Sophia Sinclair

Why They’re Still Captivated By You, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot


Your Card: Queen of Cups, reversed

Your ex has tried to look for you in other people and it has only made the void you left behind feel more immense. They know that they’ll never be able to fill it. In you, they had an intuitive partner who was always attuned to their wants and needs and in sync with their feelings. You supported their goals, were encouraging of their passions, and always had faith in their vision. When they needed space, you understood. When they needed you, you were always there. This person misses your fire, affection, and support. You two shared a profound connection. The relationship you had was one so emotionally fulfilling, that they’re not certain that they’ll ever find one like it again. They know they took you for granted and want you back desperately, but unfortunately they haven’t done the work required to make them someone worthy of you. 


Your Card: Page of Cups

They regret losing you, Taurus. The absence of your loyalty, generosity, kindness, and emotional intelligence in their life has gotten too much to bear. Too late, they’ve come to the realization of just how good they had it with you. This person feels overwhelmed with the knowing that they’ll never have you again. For you, their needs always came before your own. While there may be some degree of authenticity to their feelings, the main reason they can’t stop thinking of you is because they miss how you made them feel and what you did for them. Your ex only ever thought about themselves and pacifying their own desires, without putting much consideration into yours. Be careful if they try to reconcile, because they might still lack the emotional maturity needed for the stable relationship you want and deserve.


Your Card: Four of Wands, reversed

They miss the comfort that only your presence can bring, but mostly they feel bereft without the stability your relationship brought into their life. Without your understanding and support, life has felt more terrifying and lonely. It’s only now that it’s beginning to dawn on them how rare it is to build something based on an unbreakable foundation of trust. It fills them with uncertainty wondering if they’ll ever have that with anyone again. You were creating something lasting, and it’s proving difficult for them to let go of the vision of your future together. You became their family. You gave up your independent and free-spirited lifestyle to set down roots with them. When they think of spending the rest of their lives with someone, it’s still you that they picture. 


Your Card: Ten of Swords

This person who deeply hurt you is still in pain over the demise of your relationship. They’re well aware that they have no one to blame but themselves, and they cannot forgive themselves for the suffering that they put you through. You were the best thing that ever happened to them—a nurturing, committed, loving, caring, intuitive and dependable partner. They brought you much grief and sorrow before placing the last nail into the coffin. Their final betrayal pushed you forever out of their lives. It made you realize your worth, and it made you want to heal and rediscover who you are outside of them. Knowing that you’re better off without them eats them alive inside. Your ex knows that they’ll never have you back. When they picture you giving everything you gave to them to someone else, it kills them.


Your Card: Knight of Swords

Leo, you’re the one who got away. They’ve become self-aware and mature enough to realize the part they played in things ending between you. A part of them feels determined to do anything and wait as long as they must to get you back, but another part of them isn’t certain if that’s the right course of action. This is because they want to do right by you, and they’re not sure if that means inserting themselves back into your life. In the time since your separation, you haven’t left their mind. They remember how you light up a room and it fills them with an indescribable longing. The way you always honor your inner truth inspired them to be more authentic in their self-expression and how they move. With you they learned that people shape their own destiny, and that they have to be assertive to manifest their desires. A person can never forget something like that—you’ll never leave them. 


Your Card: Four of Cups

Someone from your past feels nostalgic about the relationship you once had. They know that they closed themselves off from the potential of something so beautiful. Right now they’re yearning for you and for the what-could-have-been. This person let their own self-absorption and fear get in the way, becoming withdrawn from you. In their heart they carry deep regret for taking you for granted. Everything they ever wanted in a partner was standing right in front of them, and they let it all go, too preoccupied with the idea of something “more exciting.” The problem was never you, Virgo, it was them, and they’re aware of that now. There was a hole in them that nothing could fill. Your absence has made life feel so uninspired, and they wish they would have never stopped placing effort into making it work. It’s proving difficult to get over the loss of your support, especially now that you’re moving on


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

Your former lover may appear as if they’re moving on fine without you, but this couldn’t be further from reality. They’re torn up about losing you. It’s keeping them up at night. This person feels sadness, and possibly even rage thinking about giving you up. Life has transformed into something much less harmonious and peaceful. Since you’ve been gone, everything feels out of balance. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they value you, but that they’re clinging to the idea of you and the sense of emotional security that you brought them. Be wary of them, Libra, they view you more as a possession than a person. The indifference they try to portray is only to hurt you and a mechanism to reel you back in. When that doesn’t work, they may reappear with the right words and false promises. The Four of Pentacles is a warning that they’re still not willing to respect your needs, wants, and boundaries. 


Your Card: Ten of Wands

The passion has disappeared from their love life. They’ve tried to recreate what you had with other people, but no one will ever match your intensity. They’re haunted by you. No matter how hard they try, they can’t escape the baggage of your relationship. This person is burdened by the fact that they lost you and that they’ll never get you back. The loss they feel is all-consuming. No one will ever make them feel how you did—unconditionally loved. You inspired them to get in touch with their darkest desires and taught them to feel unashamed. With you, they could be themselves and be open about the things they never could share with anyone else. It was thanks to you that they explored the emotions they kept even from themselves. You’re something they’re simply incapable of letting go. You will forever be a wound in their life. When they’re with someone else, they feel the weight of your absence. 


Your Card: The Magician, reversed

To them, you were the right person at the wrong time. When you were exploring things together, they weren’t in a place to truly make it work. Back then, they lacked mental clarity and direction to give a real chance to what you were building. Now that they know what they want in a partnership, they can’t stop overthinking the loss that is you. They’ve met other potential suitors, but they’re hesitant to open up their heart to anyone because what it wants is you. If you hear from them, you do need to be careful. The reversal of the Magician signifies that this person may deceive you in some way. While they may proclaim themselves a changed person, they may not approach a reconciliation with completely pure intentions. They may want you back, but it’s possible that it’s for their own selfish gain. 


Your Card: Three of Cups, reversed

They wanted a life of excess. They wanted the space and freedom to do what they wanted when they wanted, without any consideration for your feelings or needs. They acted on their desires and impulses and had a good time, all at the expense of your relationship. Now that you’re gone, their life feels like one of solitude. They feel truly alone, without any support or true community. All their connections are shallow and lacking in any depth. It makes them miss you. Deep down, they hate themselves for pushing you away. They can’t stop thinking about you because they know that you’re the best they ever had. They’re haunted by knowing you would have made the most devoted life partner. Each time they try to forget you using someone new, it fizzles out. No one will ever be a match for you. 


Your Card: Five of Pentacles

You’re a ghost who haunts their heart and their every waking thought. When they think about the fact that they have lost you, they fall into utter despair. They’re not ready to let go and move on, and they’re not sure they ever will be. The failure of your relationship was a big blow to their life. There’s a cold they can’t shake since you left—a loneliness so heavy it almost feels tangible. They’re suffering so much that they’ve isolated themselves. In truth, it’s because they’ve realized that they can’t be themselves around anyone the way they were with you. Being in the company of others only hurts them these days. It’s going to be a long time until you leave their mind. 


Your Card: Four of Swords, reversed

Your ex has had an awakening about the nature of your relationship and why it ended. Their new perspective has made them obsess over how they could have done things differently. Sometimes when they’re alone, they pray for the opportunity to reconcile and do it right this time. Time and space away gave them a chance to reflect, and they’ve realized that you were it for them. They miss how safe it felt to be vulnerable with you. They miss your intuitive soul, and how you could always anticipate their wants and needs. They miss how you lifted them up. They miss the serenity you brought into their life. Nothing makes sense without you. Their world just doesn’t feel right.