Your 2025 Life Theme, According To An Astrologist + Tarot Reader
Your Card: Five of Pentacles
This year you’re learning how to lose. You’re learning how to hear “no” and handle rejection without taking it as a personal reflection. You’re practicing how to get things wrong so that you can learn how to finally get it right. This year, you’re giving yourself the space to fail without seeing it as a reflection of what you’re capable of. All in all, this year is all about trial, and error, and eventually getting it right, Aries.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
The serenity prayer says it better than I ever could. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” The theme of your year is simple. Stop trying to control every facet of your life otherwise, it’ll cost you your freedom.
Your Card: Knight of Swords
Gemini, you are finally asking yourself, “Why not?” In the past, your mindset has always been “I wish I could do this, but I can’t.” But this year is about questioning that limiting self-belief. “Why not? Why do I believe that I can’t achieve this goal, or accomplish that goal?” So every time you tell yourself you can’t do something or that it’s impossible, ask yourself, “Why not?”
Your Card: Two of Wands
Fuck around and find out. That’s the theme of your New Year, Cancer. If this doesn’t make sense now, trust that it will later.
Your Card: Three of Pentacles
This year is about buying yourself your own flowers. Becoming your own biggest cheerleader. Becoming your own best friend. And about loving yourself more than anybody else could. This year is about learning how to pick yourself up. This year is about giving yourself that validation you used to try and find from other people.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
This is the year of change, Virgo. Almost every aspect of your life is going to dramatically shift both internally and externally. Life will look completely different from how it was a year ago. You will be completely different from who you were a year ago. You’re a creature of comfort, Virgo. You tend to go through periods of stagnation because you become so comfortable with what you know. But you also know deep down that if things are ever going to get better in life, then change is the only course of action. So this year, you’re trusting that you’ll find exactly what you’ve always searched for by finally accepting change.
Your Card: Two of Cups
Romanticize life. That is what this year is all about for you, Libra. You are learning to find the beauty in everything. In your darkest moments, what will keep you going and bring you peace is this gift of turning pain into art and finding meaning in suffering.
Your Card: Six of Swords
This year is about locking the fuck in, Scorpio. 2025 is about getting serious about the things that you want out of life. No more procrastinating or going at 50%. This year is about making the necessary sacrifices now that will result in serendipitous payoffs.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
Take your own advice, Sagittarius. You’re constantly aiding others in their suffering or helping to guide them towards their higher self yet you are unable to do the same for yourself. You know exactly how to help other people solve their problems but when it comes to your own problems, you’re suddenly clueless. Start taking your own advice. Because you give great advice.
Your Card: The Star
This is the year of discovery. This year is about following different paths and diving into different unique passions and interests. Follow your curiosity and see where it leads you. You’re growing your skill set, your expertise, and your knowledge, and becoming a well-rounded person. This year is about embracing the spirit of the Renaissance man or woman and finding ways to connect the dots and have these skills all converge into one for some greater purpose.
Your Card: The Magician
You get what you give. That is your theme for 2025. So if you don’t like what you’re getting, that’s because you’re not giving enough. Do you want a higher salary? Earn it. Do you want more friends? Become a better friend yourself. Do you want to meet your dream partner? Become the person of your dreams. Become the things that you wish to attract Aquarius. This is the year of manifestation for you but for these things to become a reality, you must take action.
Your Card: The Devil
This year stop being a victim and become the hero of your own story. No one is coming to save you. You have to do that yourself. This year is about realizing that even though life can be unfair at times, you must still take responsibility for the part that you have to play in your suffering. If you never take agency, then things will never get better. This year is about accepting the fact that your current situation is the culmination of every single decision you’ve made in your life. Perhaps it’s time to make better choices. Life is going to knock us down sometimes, that’s inevitable but the person who refuses to be brought down, is the person who prospers.