Your Biggest Heartbreak Will Be With A Virgo, Capricorn, Or Taurus
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they’re in relationships for the long haul. They won’t commit to you unless they’re one hundred percent sure about you, so leaving is a whole process. Their friends were your friends. Their favorite spots were your favorite spots. Separating can get complicated because you’re losing more than a partner. You’re losing a friend.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they are stubborn. Once they decide that a breakup is best, there’s no changing their mind. There’s no talking sense into them. Once they decide you’re out of their world, the decision is permanent. They are going to stick by it, no matter what you have to say to them. Which means that you need to accept that they’re out of your life for good. And they’re never going to come back.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they are led by their head, not their heart. Even though they might be tempted to reach out to you after the breakup, it’s never going to happen. They’re never going to let their feelings for you sway them into doing something foolish. Even though you might let your temptation get the best of you, that isn’t going to happen to them. They are going to remain as stoic as possible – and keep as much distance from you as possible.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they are incredibly loyal. They don’t give up on relationships easily, which means that your relationship must have really went downhill in order for them to feel comfortable walking away. It’s hard to say goodbye when you know that they would have done anything for you once upon a time, when you know that they’re a real catch. Knowing what a good person they are deep down is the hardest part of the breakup. You can’t pretend to hate them because a part of you will always care about them.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they are incredibly helpful. When you were together, they would always lend a hand when you needed it. They would always text to check in on you and make sure you were doing okay. They were more than a partner. They were your support system. They were your cheerleader. And it’s hard to say goodbye to someone like that. It’s hard to separate when there are so many things binding you together.
The worst heartbreak of your life will be with an earth sign because they have a good head on their shoulders. Despite what happened between you, you really felt like you could trust them at one time. You really felt safe within their presence. It sucks to lose someone you swore was going to be a permanent aspect of your life. But you need to remember that the relationship still mattered, even though it ended. Your feelings were real. The fun times you had were real. No one can take them away.