Your Toxic Trait, According To Your Birth Month
You’re that “my way or the highway” person, thinking your ideas and opinions are the only right ones. Your coworkers and employees probably hate you, but you have the benefit of not giving a shit. If you ever wonder why your friends disappear after a while, this is why.
You shy away from anyone you think is too “shallow.” In other words, you think you’re smarter and deeper than anyone you meet. Your philosophical nature just comes off as being stuck-up, which is frankly pretty accurate.
You’re introspective and a bit of a loner. A lot of people mistake your quiet for bitchy snobbery–and the fact that you don’t mind they think that kind of proves they might be right.
Your bossy and dominant, which means people are either obsessed with you or they hate your guts–there’s no in between. And your impulsiveness, while also attractive to some, also gets you and everyone attached to you in trouble.
You get bored so easily that the people around you are always on edge that you might be about to lose interest. Because of this, you’re also the most likely to ghost someone for even the littlest thing, and you lack the desire to even tell them why.
You’re so incredibly sensitive and you wear your heart on your sleeve, so that every emotion you feel gets projected onto everyone around you. Not only do you feel things so much, but you have no desire to keep any of it to yourself. Honestly, it’s exhausting.
You consider your sarcasm a great part of your sense of humor, but all it does is get on most people’s nerves. You could fill a whole midsized office building with the amount of people who are sick of your shit.
You aren’t afraid to talk about all the amazing things you do, which comes off as bragging or guilt-tripping to the people around you. While it might not be your intention, people assume you think you’re better than them.
Even the tiniest bit of criticism sends you into an increasingly tightening spiral of self-loathing that you take out on anyone within your radius. Your thin skin is a problem for friends, family, and coworkers alike, and they have to walk on eggshells in order to avoid the aftermath.
People in your life quickly learn not to get on your bad side. If someone does anything to make you mad, you’ll hold a grudge for forever. And you’re not above a little revenge if you can swing it.
Aside from some solid anger management skills, you seem to hold your emotions together with a bit of off-brand adhesive tape. AKA, you have no control over how you feel and how those feelings spill off onto others. You’re a drag if you’re ever in a bad mood.
Rules? For you? No thank you. You think rules and regulations are for everyone but you, because you’re smart and know what you’re doing, according to you. All this means is that you’re constantly getting in trouble with anything that feels like authority.