Beaver Fernandez

How Every Zodiac Can Come Out On Top (When Mars Enters Taurus On 6/9)

Action-oriented Mars moves into steadfast Mars on June 9th. This transit gives every member of the zodiac the staying power they need to succeed. This is just the transit you need to blast through a stubborn obstacle that’s been holding you back. Not sure where you should expert pressure this month? Read on…

Table of Contents


Attracting more abundance will be easy this June. It’s a matter of perspective. Rather than looking at money as a source of evil, look at it as a valuable tool to deepen your appreciation of life. Make it your mission to appreciate as many things in your life as possible. Take time to enjoy your favorite indulgences. When you want something, don’t wish for it—give thanks that you have it.


Here’s your chance to step into a role that has been denied to you. Instead of asking for permission to perform a certain role, just embody it. This goes for anything, from work to love to appearance. If you want a promotion, act like you have it. Want to be adored? Exude the air of someone who’s adored. To manifest an appearance change, praise yourself for your beautiful skin, hair, teeth, and physique every time you look in the mirror.


Early June gives you a chance to get some rest. Usually, you love spinning several plates simultaneously. While this is lots of fun, it can be exhausting. That’s why it’s important for you to slow down and recharge your batteries. Force yourself to take a break. This could involve anything from taking a relaxing cruise to staying in bed all weekend to read, listen to music, and mediate. Just do it!


Expanding your social circle can bring health, wealth, and happiness. Don’t wait around to be invited to a gathering. Get out there and mingle. Go to Trivia Night. Join a book club. Take a fitness class. Invite a colleague to lunch. Whenever you get a chance to connect with someone new, do it. It’s time to come out of your shell, Crab, and bask in the sunshine this June. 


Establishing career security is a welcome relief. If you’re looking for a job, exchange desperation for confidence. Every time you apply for a position, remember that any employer would be lucky to have you. Picture yourself checking your bank balance seeing your desired paycheck deposited there. Take ten minutes every day to picture your workday, from getting dressed to your opening duties to finishing the day. 


June brings an exciting chance to expand your horizons. Take this opportunity to expand your education, go on a long-distance trip, publish some writing, or expand your creative portfolio. At times like these, your inner critic will urge you to carry out your routines and dismiss your desires as pipe dreams. Your assignment is to ignore these limiting thoughts and take big risks for the sake of growth.


You have a chance to get out of debt. Instead of cursing your credit card bills, get control of them. Call a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping consumers. Such a group can consolidate your bills and even eliminate your interest rate. It also helps to make a list of all your creditors, along with their interest rates. Pay off the balance with the largest APR first while making minimum payments on the other lenders, then work your way down the list. 


The devotion of a loyal partner is yours for the asking this June. Getting engaged or married is a distinct possibility. A fruitful business partnership is also available to you. Put the past behind you and write a new story about the history of your relationships. Remind yourself that you’ve always been loved, supported, and championed. Rehearse the supportive and uplifting conversations you have with your ideal partner, then watch this bond take shape in the 3D. 


Cultivating a fantastic job is within reach. If you’re immersed in a toxic work environment, get out your journal. Write a detailed entry that describes your perfect day, from the time you wake up to the clothes that you wear to the place that you work (it can be home) to the salary you make. Expound on this entry every day. Let this fantasy crowd out all the anger and frustration you get from your current position. A great new opportunity will be the reward for your persistence. 


From the time you were small, you felt destined to be with someone who would cherish and adore you. This June gives you the opportunity to experience this type of love. It’s a matter of letting your earthy sensuality come to the surface. Exchange the all-business conversations for flirtatious banter. Dress to enhance your best features. Wear your favorite fragrance every day. Finally, act like the hot commodity you really are. 


A home beautification project won’t wait another minute. It’s time to put your plans into gear, regardless of your budget. One of the best ways to bring about a transformation is with color. Painting a single wall a vivid color can trigger another series of shifts that will turn a bland space into one that uplifts, inspires, soothes, or relaxes. If you’re looking for a place to live, you can find one this June. Refuse to buy into the idea that everything you want is out of your price range. Instead, picture your dream property, then prepare to move into it. 


Your powers of persuasion are at an all-time high this June. Take this opportunity to convince your boss to give you a raise, inspire your significant person to ask you on a date, or get an acceptance letter to a program, school, or grant. It’s a matter of projecting an air of confidence and humor. If you get rejected, don’t panic. Instead, take a deep breath, imagine the opposite outcome in full detail, then say a silent prayer of thanks for your success.