16 Mistakes That Could Ruin A Perfect Relationship
“Building too much of a mythology around their relationship. I think falling in love always involves telling yourself a few little lies. However, that can become a whole fantasy of how you two were MEANT for each other that goes back to your magic meet-cute, the amazing first date, the romantic XYZ…. This makes the relationship become a sort of golden handcuff people feel they can never leave or alter.” — zazzlekdazzle
“So many people jump straight to ‘lack of communication’ but more often than not the problem is refusing to accept what your partner is communicating. Communication skills can always be better, but a lack of understanding or willingness to compromise around the difference in each other’s needs leads to resentment really quickly. Once you resent each other, it’s game over, there’s no real way to come back from that.” — alk6489
“Not talking upfront when there’s an issue. No silence punishment, no confrontation, no mind game, no lies. Just accepting that you have to put your egos aside and talk like adults, accept to change if you were in the wrong and stop the relation if the other is in the wrong and toxic for you. A lot of people stay in unhealthy, insulting, violent relationships because it’s the only thing they really know, or they fear what would replace it. I personally have accepted to have basic expectations and to be alone if no one meets them. I might end up alone, but I never want to end in a toxic couple again. No matter your age or gender… An insult is never okay. Belittling is never okay. Mocking is never okay. Gaslighting is never okay. Lies are never okay. Having a partner who pretends to hear you, just says ‘hmm’ and doesn’t make you feel heard is not okay. And if anyone does it to you, you deserve better.” — Least-Designer7976
“I think these days everyone is being conditioned to be a narcissist, so if a relationship does happen, it’s important to remember that it’s not all about you, and to remember it’s a partnership—not just a project for you to blast all over social media. Be mindful of the very real person you are with. They have feelings, hopes, interests, etc., too. They aren’t just a prop.” — FabulousCallsIAnswer
“I think it’s a combination of getting so comfortable with somebody that you take things for granted, stop doing the little things and stop communicating” — Rathemon
“Waiting until you’re too far in to discuss marriage and kids. That’s an issue that needs to be hammered it before you completely shut yourself off from anyone else.” — DefinitelyNotADave
“Trying to ‘win’ arguments. The goal should be to solve disagreements as a team, not come out as the victor.” — DoublePelix
“This applies to relationships and a lot of things in general: reacting in a state of emotion. When people are in a heightened state of emotion things seem extremely clear to them in the heat of the moment. They might interpret an event in one way then spiral down, writing a story in their mind that fits whatever narrative they feel really strongly about. Often when the emotions have died down and people have had time to process their feelings, things appear very different to them. They will regret their actions but the damage has been done and some things can’t be taken back.” — sloppymcgee
“Not leaving/ending a relationship when it needs to be ended. Sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away.” — toosickto
“Not being able to apologize. if someone tells you they’re upset with you, you don’t need to argue back.” — TheGame1126
“Thinking that it’s one person’s work. A successful relationship needs commitment and work from both parties” — Mapache_villa
“Going in without realizing they aren’t ready for one. A lot of people aren’t ready for relationships. They haven’t developed enough as a person to be able to be with another person. I think these people attribute to most of the hurt hearts and divorces in the states. Their ‘lack’ becomes a big issue even if the other party is trying and everyone loses because these people aren’t ready to handle what they wanted.” — bloopie1192
“Lack of communication but also the delivery of the communication. Be mindful of your partner and how they need you to talk to them. Often times it’s taking a breath first or maybe you just need to say I’m going to walk away for a moment, but I’ll be right back.” — __eden_
“Expecting their partner to be everything at all times. The perfect sexual partner, emotional support, playmate, gift giver, doer of chores, fixer of things, chef, and anything else you can think up. No person can be all of those things.” — olympianfap
“Believing that having a child will fix their problems. Great job, now the THREE of you are in a sucky situation and now are forever tied through a choice you both made instead of just working it out OR separating, both options that would’ve been a lot less messier and complicated, not to mention that the kid is now stuck between something that’s not their responsibility to fix and now they’re suffering through it. ‘Compromising’ on big life decisions, it never ends well.” — ThanosWifeAkima-4848
“Taking the other person’s love/time/empathy/patience for granted.” — thebuffyb0t