2 Zodiacs Who Will Have A Spiritual Growth Spurt In December 2023
This December, we can expect a lot of changes occurring in our lives. Not only is it the end of the year, but a New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12, Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn on December 13th, and the start of Capricorn season on December 21st.
With that being said, two zodiac signs are going to experience a spiritual growth spurt this month:
Not only are we in your season, but on December 12th, the New Moon enters your sign as well. New Moons bring a strong energy of manifestation: seeing what in our life works and what doesn’t and how we can take steps to attract more of what we want. This New Moon also brings a newfound sense of optimism and abundance because it’s in your sign–you’re all about fresh starts and taking risks. With the Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn on the 13th, you’re feeling challenged to rethink your values, your goals, and your spending habits. You’re finally taking a moment for yourself and reflecting on what in your life needs to change and how you can bring more good in.
On December 13, Mercury goes Retrograde into your sign. This transit is forcing you to take a look at yourself. You’re finally asking the tough questions about yourself and your career: Am I being valued enough, by myself and others? Am I coasting along? Am I being challenged enough? With the end-of-the-year energy, you’re tying up loose ends and letting go of everything and everyone that doesn’t serve you. You’re also seeing how you can act on your desires and manifestations and learning how to be more confident in yourself and your abilities.