3 Emotionally Guarded Zodiacs Who Are Learning To Let Love In
Virgo is a far more complicated sign than they’re given credit for. They may come off as tough, but it’s just an armor they wear to protect a golden heart that’s soft. Yes, they’re intimidating and unapproachable, but they’re only so guarded because it terrifies them to let anyone see the real them—and because with that kind of emotional intimacy, they risk getting hurt. This zodiac sign has a bad rep for being overly critical, but there’s no one that they’re harder on than themselves. Because they strive so hard for perfection, they’re afraid that if they let someone in that person will not love what they see. So, they only show you what they want you to see, keeping their self-perceived flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections hidden. They also struggle to express their vulnerabilities out of fear of judgment or disappointment. Deep down, this is a sign who’s extremely sensitive, and who has had that beautiful quality weaponized against them in the past. Virgo, who is a true romantic at heart, would be surprised at the sense of empowerment they’d find by choosing to trust someone despite their fears. Opening up the right person—the one who’ll love them just as they are—would do wonders in helping them accept themselves.
Scorpio’s deepest desire is also their greatest fear: being seen all the way to the innermost, darkest depths of their soul and knowing profound emotional intimacy. Their idea of love is a transcendent one—a merging of minds, bodies, and souls. To love and be loved by a Scorpio is not to be able to see where they end and you begin. The thing is, they don’t trust easily, or hardly ever. When Scorpio loves someone, they give a whole piece of themselves away to that person. Their love knows no conditions or bounds. This has left them utterly devastated in the past. It has given them a pain they wish to never know again. So, they treat most connections with trepidation, as if everyone is out to hurt them or use their intensity against them. Even when they get “close” to someone, they don’t let themselves fully open up or entirely be seen. No one can say they truly know a Scorpio. They hold a big part of themselves back as a way of making themselves feel safe. What you don’t let in can’t hurt you. When they feel themselves letting their guard down, they self-sabotage. Scorpio needs to realize that the only way to take back their power is by letting themselves be vulnerable again. They’d become so empowered if they would stop letting old heartache dictate their present. Daring to strip yourself bare and love again after being hurt is a sign of strength.
Aquarius may come off as cold, unemotional, and detached, but in reality, they’re anything but. This zodiac sign actually possesses a deep emotional sensitivity. It terrifies them to feel everything as strongly as they do, so they work hard to close themselves off and compartmentalize. They put up a wall between them and the rest of the world to keep themselves feeling safe and secure. Their interior world is a soft, tender one. So, they put up barriers and they struggle with expressing themselves emotionally. It’s uncomfortable for them to deal with the emotional realm. In the past, they used to wear their hearts on their sleeve, and they were misunderstood for it—they were told that they were “too much” and “too weird.” Now, they struggle with feeling exposed. It’s easier for this sign to keep things casual and to keep intimacy just physical. Most people can’t understand the unconventionality of Aquarius and what that might mean in a relationship. So, they avoid vulnerability altogether. Deep down, Aquarius wants something more—something real. They’d find so much power if they would just give into their desires and let themselves open up to someone they way they crave. It’d be a strong thing for them to do to get over their fears and explore the possibility of a lasting, meaningful connection. For someone like Aquarius, it would take first building a strong foundation of friendship.