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3 Soulmate Zodiac Duos Destined To Reunite In April 

Soulmates are far more than just a prospective romantic partner–they’re a profoundly meaningful companion whose love transcends literal lifetimes, following us from one incarnation to the next. While it may be daunting or even a bit intimidating meeting one’s soulmate in person, coming across your true love can have extraordinary effects, enriching both your life and your partner’s life in the process.

With the onset of spring, some signs may find themselves coming face to face with their universal counterpart, reestablishing a long-lost love with their soulmate to coincide with the new season.

Aries and Scorpio

As an experienced traveler forever pounding their feet to the pavement, Aries are used to exploring the world, encountering new places and getting in touch with fascinating new people. As an extension of their globe-trotting mindset, Aries also seems to be searching for something more, harboring a deep-seated emotional longing for love and companionship. Ready to hang up their hiking boots for the warmer season, Aries will find a fitting partner in the form of Scorpio–a fiercely independent free-spirit whose inquisitive nature pairs well with Aries’ own thoughtfulness and introspective views.

Taurus and Pisces

Despite their seemingly conflicting personality traits, Taureans and Pisces are known to gravitate towards each other for a number of different reasons. With Pisces craving a degree of balance in their personal lives, they love the stability that Taurus brings to the average romantic relationship. On the other hand, Taureans find themselves fascinated with Pisces’ dreamier romanticism, a trait that challenges their own grounded logic and rigid pragmatism. As a general rule of thumb, opposites always seem to attract, helping explain why Taureans and Pisces always find each other in their various incarnations.

Gemini and Leo

Geminis and Leos can be separated by an entire continent, but somehow, they’ll always find their way back to one another. As someone able to decipher a person’s character from a mere glance, Geminis know they’ve found their soulmate the minute they interact with them, falling head over heels before their significant other has even introduced themselves. In contrast, Leos thrive off of admiration and attention, returning Geminis’ affection with their own flirtatious advances. With an incendiary love that radiates as much heat as it did lifetimes ago, these two signs spend the bulk of their lives searching for one another. As a result, when they finally cross paths, they waste little opportunity in making up for lost time, committing to their relationship with unwavering passion.