3 Zodiac Signs That Will Get Their Act Together By March 2025
Neptune, the planet of illusion, is one of the slowest planets in the Universe, taking about 14 years to travel through each sign. Right now, Neptune is meandering through dreamy Pisces, making it hard especially for certain signs to formulate plans, see the truth, and make decisions.
Fortunately for these zodiacs, this phase ends on March 30, 2025, when Neptune moves into dynamic Aries. Here’s who will feel immediate relief once Neptune shifts its dreamy influence on a different part of their birth chart.
Since 2011, Neptune has been traveling through Gemini’s 10th House of Career and Ambition. While many members of this sign may have landed great jobs in creative industries, there were drawbacks to this transit. Instead of having a clear vision of what they want and how to get it, Twins have been content to stay in jobs they’ve outgrown.
All this will change in late March 2025, when dreamy Neptune moves into Gemini’s 11th house. At this point, people born under the sign of the Twins will become more focused, ambitious, and clever about their career path. Landing a prestigious job, getting a promotion, or negotiating a raise are among the exciting possibilities. Lots of Geminis may transition to more lucrative industries, too.
Logical Virgo was thrown a ball of confusion in 2011 when delusional Neptune moved into their 7th House of Partnerships. When it comes to romance, this sign hates playing games. Unfortunately, the Virgin has been forced to deal with a lot of manipulators, jokers, and tricksters over the past few years. Even members of this sign who have paired up with good people have had to contend with confusing circumstances in love. Long-distance relationships, religious conflicts, and blended families have created problems for many members of this zodiac.
Once Neptune moves into Aries in March 2025, the fog will lift for lovelorn Virgins. Suddenly, they’ll see a path forward in love. Whether this means ending a hopeless relationship, swiping right on an emotionally available partner, or getting clear about what they want from a relationship, Virgo is in for a much better time on the romantic front.
Money has been a complete mystery to many Aquarians for over a decade. No matter how hard they work, which valuable skills they possess, and where they live, there seems to be a disconnect between their bank account and personal worth. That will change in March 2025, when deceptive Neptune moves out of their 2nd House of Earned Income. After Neptune moves into the Water-bearer’s 3rd House of Communication, their finances will improve. Contracts and promises will be honored. It will be much easier to get straight answers about business. Best of all, Aquarians will go after high-paying jobs—and get them!