3 Zodiac Signs Who Always Second-Guess Everything
Some people are filled with so much uncertainty and have such a negative outlook on life that they’re unpleasant to be around. This article is not about those people.
Every group of friends seems to have that one lovable kook who’s always tripping over their shoelaces and spilling their coffee on themselves and then apologizing despite the fact that everyone’s laughing. Adorably neurotic, they are one big affable nervous wreck. Their quirks and endless self-doubt would be annoying in the hands of someone less lovable, but it’s their self-effacing charisma that spares them from being insufferable.
Here are three zodiac signs who not only second-guess things—they third-, fourth-, and fifth-guess them. And even after the fifth guess, you can’t convince them that they’re right.
1. Pisces
A severely emotional water sign, Pisces is so sensitive, it seems as if they might break out into a rash at any moment. Ruled by Neptune, they are dreamers who have their heads stuck in the clouds half of the time. But the other half of the time, when they break out of their fantasy world, they are panicked that they missed out on something important or somehow made a fool of themselves while they were daydreaming. Immobilized by the tiniest stressors, they overthink things to the point that their brains overheat. Even a simple “Yes or No?” question seems hopelessly complicated to them. They are like a ping-pong ball bouncing back and forth between their brain and their heart.
2. Gemini
Who better to second-guess themselves than a pair of Twins? Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Gemini is constantly having an internal dialogue that hurtles along at warp speed. No matter how hard they try, they can’t turn off their brains, because they broke the OFF switch a long time ago. Easily overstimulated and anxious about being anxious, they tend to worry far more about what can go wrong than what will probably go right. Gemini is so innately indecisive, they take so long placing a simple lunch order at the drive-thru that a dozen cars wind up honking behind them.
3. Libra
Infamously the zodiac’s most indecisive sign, Libra is plagued by a titanic wave of self-doubt that might be tragic and sad if it wasn’t so goofy and clumsy. They love to be right, but they’re hardly ever sure of whether they’re right, and it becomes an endless spiral of self-questioning. Their people-pleasing nature makes them constantly question themselves about whether they look good, said the wrong thing, laughed inappropriately, interrupted someone while they were speaking, dressed properly for the occasion, expressed an unacceptable viewpoint, or (perish the thought!) slightly displeased someone. If you see a Libra acting this way, give them a hug and tell them everything will be OK.