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3 Zodiac Signs Who Should Pay Attention To Their Dreams This October

Dream interpretation is a popular concept in spiritual circles today, but its popularity dates back to 1899, when the so-called “father of psychoanalysis,” Sigmund Freud, released his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams. While a great deal of Freud’s work has been discredited and he is now regarded as a controversial figure in the history of psychology, his influence on later developments cannot be discounted.

Man and his Symbols, published in 1964, was Carl Jung’s final work, released posthumously after his death in 1961. The last year of his life, it is said, was dedicated mainly to the completion of this book. Its popularity was due to its accessible language. For those who had no formal academic background in analytical psychology, it was an exciting book that brought Jung’s ideas vibrantly to life, and encouraged a flourishing interest in psychoanalysis and dream interpretation that has carried on into the present day.

Jung was an avid practitioner of astrology during his career, discovering it as early as 1911 and revealing through letters to his contemporary Freud that he was often occupied with studying it late at night. Astrology, to Jung, was the ancients’ original way of engaging with the psychological, and an early attempt at making sense of his archetypal theory and that of the collective unconscious, both of which essentially created the foundation upon which Jungian dream interpretation was built. Jung famously stated, “[A]strology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”

While dreams offer a nightly opportunity to access the realm of our psyche, and everyone can benefit from learning a thing or two about Jungian symbolism, there are certain rising signs that would benefit from keeping a dream journal this October, as their astrological transits suggest key periods in psychological and spiritual growth.


With Pisces ruling your twelfth house of dreams, drugs, and the subconscious, you may find that your truest self is the one hiding beneath layers of symbolism. Saturn and Neptune are currently still holding court in this area of your chart, reflecting both wisdom and delusion in your creative and spiritual life. You are likely already very attuned to signs, synchronicities, and symbols that appear in your dreams—or perhaps in other alerted states of consciousness, if you are so inclined. This October, however, provides a uniquely revelatory window of time to explore the unknown with your characteristic courage.


The solar eclipse at the beginning of the month will call immediate attention to your subconscious state when it hits your twelfth house of drugs, dreams, and self-undoing. Saturn and Neptune have been stationed here for a while, bringing both spiritual restrictions and artistic confidence. Be on high alert for divine omens, warnings, and recurring themes in your dreams, especially as they relate to your partnerships. If you find yourself having more nightmares this month, it could be a result of your annual spooky-season horror movie marathons—or it could be a glimpse of insight you are meant to take into account. Consider the people and places who appear in your dreams. Who are they? How is your relationship to them in your waking life? What do they represent to you?


Your first house is ruled by Pisces, setting the stage for your entire birth chart and giving you an innately mystical approach to life. You are guided by intuition rather than logic, which sometimes puts you out of step with your more empirical and materialist peers. However, this month you can trust that your intuition will be proven correct. With both Saturn and Neptune in your first house for some time now, you have been battling a discrepancy between your desire for long-term spiritual maturity and potentially misplaced confidence in yourself. Your dreams this month are likely to serve as reality checks, reminding you that slow progress is still progress. Your dreams might trick you into believing you’re running out of time, but an eternal perspective changes your entire approach.