3 Zodiacs Entering An Era Of Pure Bliss
As we enter into your season, Aries, be prepared for a season of comfort, solace, and relaxing into your authentic energy. Known for being a powerful and courageous leader, letting go of an attempt to control situations is welcoming you into a season of embracing innate personal gifts while letting go of any attempts to force yourself into being someone you’re not. An ability to stay true to yourself is opening doors to receive the gold your soul merits.
Delighting in the realm of emotions and the unconscious, Cancer, you’re finely attuned to the energetic state of those around you. As a cardinal sign, spring has a particularly strong influence on you. Your natural tendency is of great care and concern for those in your inner circle. You’re learning the art of putting yourself and self-care first. Pleasure comes as a byproduct of embracing your sensitivity while allowing yourself to dive deeper into the sensations of your own being.
This list could not be complete without you, dear Taurus. Pleasure is your home state, and one that others deeply admire you for. Be mindful of the pace your nervous system wants to move at. It’s only when you prioritize personal needs that you experience what it is your soul longs for. The right people accept you for who you are and celebrate personal boundaries. Pleasure, security, and comfort lie not in any external environment, but rather come as a result of loving who you are unconditionally.