3 Zodiacs Experience Fated Love Under Pisces Lunar Eclipse (9/17)
On September 17, 2024, a Pisces partial lunar eclipse takes centerstage. Eclipses speak of astrologically fated events. We’re asked to remove outdated karmic baggage during a Pisces lunar eclipse. It’s time to take off our rose-colored glasses. While this may feel daunting initially, we can now do so courageously. In turn, our relationships improve, and our understanding of our role within them improves.
Three-star signs will show you the most romantic activity during this Pisces lunar eclipse. Are you one of them? Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.
There’s relationship growth in store for Virgos this Pisces lunar eclipse. It’s time to remove outdated emotional baggage that has prevented healthy connections. Some of these Water signs may be letting go of relationships that have fulfilled their karmic missions. However, the pairings meant to stand the test of time only get stronger. By uncovering repressed emotions and finally shedding light upon them, all sorts of interpersonal dynamics in Virgo’s life heal and improve in a massive, life-changing manner.
As the Pisces lunar eclipse peaks on September 17, 2024, Leo experiences emotional catharsis. Their intimacy sector is activated, and feelings run high. Anxieties, fears, and other intense sensations rise to the surface. While this may sound alarming, trust the process. Soon after, genuine integration and relief follow. Leos move forward with a more profound capacity for compassion, vulnerability, and maintaining an open heart within their relationships. A hopeful rainbow of love follows after the rain storm cleans up repressed emotions.
Scorpio is getting serious about who and what they want in love. This Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17, 2024, challenges their romantic life. It’s time to release outdated ideas of sexuality, lust, attraction, and the like. Single Scorpions reflect on how they can reclaim empowerment by choosing more suitable lovers in the future. Many couples will dive deeper into resilient strength, finding pleasure and playfulness amid transformation. This eclipse aims to allow Pisces to find the partner who allows their inner child to run free, releasing fears of being harmed if they aren’t in an adult, hyper-vigilant mindset.