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3 Zodiacs Most Likely to Be August Girls

It’s not August until there’s salt in the air and rust on your door. This month has become an unofficial holiday for Taylor Swift fans, especially those who have ever suffered the pains of a dramatic clandestine summer fling.

The song “august” first entered the cultural consciousness back in summer 2020, mid-pandemic, after Taylor unexpectedly dropped folklore. Three years on, the colloquial term “August girl” has made it into the vernacular of every millennial and Gen Z woman on the planet.

Urban Dictionary defines an August girl as anyone “who is in a situationship, kept secret from the friends of the other person.” Ouch. Here are the signs most likely to have experienced this unique form of heartbreak back in high school, just like the song’s titular protagonist, Augustine… and those who risk doing it all over again, for the hope of it all.


Sensitive, poetic, and hopeless romantics at heart, Cancer women fall fast and hard, unquestioningly. Ruled by the feminine-coded moon, they sometimes run the risk of jumping in too fast, making them vulnerable to betrayal. Cancer is constantly romanticizing the intimate moments as they unfold, imagining their lives as a film reel and believing the love will never run out. Unfortunately, they’re prone to wistfully daydreaming about the past, playing back those memories on repeat. Avoid this temptation towards self-pity by focusing on your own self-worth and identity outside of relationships, Cancer. That is to say, don’t cancel plans just in case they’ll call.


Simultaneously natural and glamorous, Venusian Taurus likes to be the star of the movie, even if it’s just in their own head. The beach is a likely place for a Taurus to be, with salt in the air and a bottle of wine to sip away. These earthy and luxurious women will fall quickly in love and be charmed by the whispers of “Are you sure?” But if the summer romance ends abruptly, and they are replaced, they will stubbornly pine after their lost love and replay the happy memories until they drive themselves crazy. Taurus, you might strategize a plan to get him back into your arms, but it’s better to accept that sometimes wanting is enough.


It’s been said that no one understands the depths of the Piscean emotional well except for other Pisces. There is truly no end to the ocean of emotion a Pisces woman can drown in, for better or for worse. Being swept up in the dreamy fantasy of a new relationship, especially during the liminal period of time between summer and fall, is basically the ultimate Pisces experience. It’s also fodder for intense Neptunian creativity, so if, rather than moping, you know how to harness your inevitable breakup sorrow and channel it elsewhere, Pisces, you’ll be fine. Instead of writing on their back beneath the sun, try free-writing your emotions into your journal or making a hit song out of your pain.