Tabitha Turner

3 Zodiacs That Are Sorry/Not Sorry They Hurt Your Feelings

When it comes to making apologies, there are 3 zodiacs that play fast and loose with the truth. It’s not that these signs are fundamentally dishonest.

On the contrary, these characters are intent on keeping the gears of the social engine well lubricated. If that means expressing fake regret for something they said or did, they’ll do it. Keep this in mind the next time you’re dealing with someone who begs your forgiveness but keeps committing the same offenses over and over. There’s a good chance this manipulator is one of these signs. 


Born under the sign of The Twins, this zodiac has a dual nature. By day, Gemini is honest to a fault. By night, they’re charming, persuasive, and eager to please. Quite often, this sign will make a cutting remark that leaves you reeling, only to take back their criticism within a matter of hours. If you’re in a long-term relationship with Gemini, be prepared to take everything they say with a grain of salt. Their reality changes with the wind. 


Represented by The Scales, Libra can always see both sides of a given issue. Therefore, this zodiac is prone to condemn a person or situation one day, then praise that same individual or circumstance another. It’s not that Libra is hypocritical. It’s just that they’re incapable of total rejection. Similarly, this sign is reluctant to give unconditional love. That’s why you must take their apologies with a grain of salt, as they are probably tinged with a bit of defiance. 


Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces is famous for issuing mixed messages. This zodiac can do something utterly devastating and will later issue abject apologies. Although this sign is very convincing about expressing remorse, they often say they’re sorry just to slip out of an uncomfortable net. Have a healthy dose of skepticism when Pisces swears that they’ll never commit a transgression again, because they probably will.