Midjourney / TC Agency

3 Zodiacs Uncovering Hidden Truths During The Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse In Virgo (3/14)

Hailed as a Blood Moon, the Full Moon in Virgo on March 14 is a Total Lunar Eclipse, and will reach its culmination at 2:55 AM EDT (23º57’). 

Ruled by thoughtful and informative Mercury, Virgo is progress, improvement, enhancement, and refinement. The sign is associated with attention to detail, a strong sense of integrity, order, cleanliness, and grounding. Its earthly embrace invites us to cultivate a deeper connection within ourselves, and it reminds us that there is magic in the space where practicality and spirituality fuse. 

The Blood Moon Eclipse will usher in change and transformation, but not without first forcing us to spiritually declutter. Its position on the South Node offers this opportunity for deep emotional purging, which includes letting go of attachments to the past. The opposition to Saturn offers a reality check, while the opposition to Neptune shatters illusions. There’s no escaping what must be confronted, as this celestial event digs deep, unearthing what lies buried in the soul’s most profound, obscured places. It peels back layers, illuminates what we have trouble accepting, forces us to part with what must be released, and fast tracks us into aligning with our purpose. 

Everyone will be impacted by the Lunar Eclipse, with those born with planets or angles in the late degrees of the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces being the most affected. Additionally, there are three zodiac signs uncovering hidden truths during this enlightening and emotionally-charged period. 


As it’s happening in your sign, you’re the one most deeply impacted by the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. With your First House of self and identity activated, you’re coming face to face with who you truly are at your most authentic, as well as with what your heart desires most. Stepping into that person and becoming the most empowered version of yourself involves confronting some uncomfortable realities. This means examining all the ways in which you’ve been holding yourself back and how you’ve been betraying yourself. Who are you when the mask comes off and you’re all alone? What do you want when you’re not busy trying to please others? How can letting go of idealism, perfection, and control benefit you? Free yourself, Virgo. This Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse will reveal how, shedding light on hard-to-swallow pills — all your outdated beliefs, toxic patterns and habits, the situations and relationships you’ve outgrown, challenges you must accept, and much-needed shifts. Let go of what doesn’t align with the confident person you want to become and the life you want to create for yourself. 


The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will feel incredibly heavy for you, but it will usher in healing tenfold. It lands in your spiritual Twelfth House of the subconscious, self-undoing, and closure, forcing deep introspection upon you and flooding you with emotions. You’re traveling deeply inward, whether you want to or not. As you do, you’re stumbling upon everything that’s been residing hidden in the shadows — lingering emotional wounds, fears, old grudges, limiting beliefs, illusions and delusions, unconscious self-sabotaging patterns. It might make you fall apart, but trust that these things are surfacing so that you can release them and emerge as someone happier and stronger. Have faith in any epiphanies you have during this period, and pay close attention to your dreams, as they will reveal important information about what belongs in your past, the future you’re headed towards, and how you can achieve personal and spiritual growth


The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo activates your powerful Eighth House of death and rebirth, intimacy, and deep connections. Buckle up for a profoundly emotional and transformative period, Aquarius. It’s going to take killing the parts of yourself that no longer benefit you to reclaim your personal power. The Full Moon will illuminate what they are. As painful as it is to part with them, shedding these old skins will lead to a new chapter filled with endless possibilities. Some things that might be uncovered before you can turn that page include how you hold yourself back from being vulnerable, unhealthy attachments to the past, how you’ve been pouring your energy into the wrong people or places, old heartache, where you’ve been resistant to change, and all that no longer serves you. You might come to realize your repressed fears, the people who are not meant to be in your life, risks you want to take, and dreams that no longer fit into the future you want.