Ieva Urenceva

3 Zodiacs Who Are Always Listening To Their Inner Saboteur

Each one of us has that little part of ourselves that talks down to us. It’s the insecure, less confident version of ourselves that whispers negativity into our being. Though all of us have that inner voice, some of us listen to it and let it guide us while others do a great job of ignoring it. For the following three zodiac signs, it’s super difficult to ignore that inner saboteur, though it would be so much better if they did.


Your inner saboteur starts speaking up when you feel like you’re about to get hurt. Maybe you sense that your partner is pulling away from you and that a breakup is imminent. Or maybe things at work are weird or a friendship has started to change. Your inner saboteur will start telling you that no one likes you or that you deserve to get hurt. So you lash out in response, trying to hurt everyone else before they can hurt you. It’s a vicious cycle that claims you as its final victim. Don’t let that voice ruin something just because you’re unsure of where you fit.


Your inner saboteur starts speaking up when your life isn’t going the way you want it to. Maybe you hate your job and would be so much better off if you quit, but then that voice starts convincing you not to change anything. It tells you that, if you quit, you might end up in an even worse situation. So you ignore the part of you who knows that change will make things better, just in the off chance that the hopeful part of you is wrong. Your inner saboteur doesn’t want you to change because then you might never listen to it again.


Your inner saboteur starts speaking up when you try to listen to your instincts. Your gut will be telling you something, but then the saboteur will question it. Perhaps you’re sure that someone is flirting with you over text, but then the little voice in your head is saying, “No, you’re reading this situation all wrong.” So that uncertainty leads you to overanalyzing every little bit of your text exchange to make sure you know what’s going on. Your friends tell you to chill, but how can you if you keep listening to your inner saboteur?