Sean Thomas

3 Zodiacs Who Become More Attractive Over Time

It’s the prevailing wisdom that, as we get older, we just shrivel up and become less and less attractive. At least that’s what all the ads for anti-aging treatments have to say about it. But how true is that really? To be honest, aging isn’t the attractiveness-killer that everyone makes it out to be. In fact, these three zodiac signs become more attractive as the years go by. If you’re one of these signs, you just seem to get hotter and hotter. You’re just lucky that way, I guess.


It’s not even that you’re trying to be more attractive as you grow older. It just seems to be happening. You may not have even noticed, but the compliments you’ve been getting, that only seem to be increasing as the years go by, are cluing you in to your gradual glow-up. It could be that you’ve finally figured out your skincare routine or your own unique style. Maybe it’s the confidence that’s been growing inside you–and your lack of care what other people think. Either way, you’re becoming hotter than ever.


You’re well known for achieving whatever you set your mind to. In your younger years, you likely targeted that energy toward reaching your education and career goals. Now that you’ve gotten older and you’re more settled in those concrete parts of life, you’re ready to start working on who you are on the inside and out. While the outer work is certainly helping you age gracefully, it’s actually the inner happiness and calm that’s making you so attractive and magnetic. And it’ll only get better.


Whether your beauty is the kind you see filling your Insta feeds or is a more unique and intriguing look, your attractiveness just seems to get better with age. It’s your confidence, your social skills, and your sense of style that gets you looks as you get older. You’re the type to rock your graying hair and look hot while doing it–the type that can making aging gracefully look like an art. There’s no wonder you’re on this list.