3 Zodiacs Who Feel Like The Dating Scene Is A Disaster Right Now
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3 Zodiacs Who Feel Like The Dating Scene Is A Disaster Right Now

Being single can be a fun, beautiful experience. However, when you’re actively searching for love and are struggling to find it, it isn’t always going to be the best time. It can be painful. It can be disappointing. It can be the exact opposite of what you were hoping it to be. Here are the zodiacs who feel like the dating scene is a total disaster right now:


Sagittarius, you’ve been fed up with the dating scene because it’s not as fun as you wish it were. Your goal is to find your soulmate — but you wouldn’t mind dating the wrong people along the way if you were having a good time. The problem is that you’re not having a good time. You’re not enjoying getting ghosted and getting strung along by people you thought had pure intentions. You’re not enjoying staring at your phone waiting for a response and having plans canceled at the last second. You’re one of the most laidback, happy-go-lucky signs and yet you’re still finding it hard to handle the dating scene right now. It’s gotten that bad. But you can’t lose hope someone wonderful is out there. You have to remember the right person won’t make you play these petty games. They won’t leave you hanging and disappointed.


Aquarius, you have never been a huge fan of the dating scene. You always dreamt about meeting your person naturally — but since that hasn’t been happening, you’ve put effort into meeting people over different dating apps. You’ve been courageous enough to put yourself out there, even though it’s made you uncomfortable. And you feel like you aren’t getting anything out of it. You feel like you’re giving more than you’re receiving. And honestly, you’re exhausted. You are willing to put a ton of effort into a serious relationship once you find the one, but you don’t want to put this much effort into dating anymore. Not when it never ends up working out. But remember, your person probably feels the same way. You’re both going to be relieved when you finally meet. You’re both going to feel at home.


Pisces, all you want to do is find your soulmate. You have so much love to give, but no one wants to accept it. You are sick of people acting like you’re clingy for wanting to have real conversations, wanting to set aside time for actual dates, wanting to act the way that a serious couple is meant to act. So many people have been acting like the bare minimum is more than enough, but you aren’t going to settle for less than you deserve. That doesn’t make you greedy or selfish. It makes you a person with standards. But don’t worry. The right person is going to rise to meet them. They aren’t going to make you feel guilty about wanting the best for yourself. They are going to want to give you the same amount you’ve always been willing to give everyone else.