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3 Zodiacs Who Have The Most Calming Auras

When it comes to being calm, cool, and collected, the astrological signs vary widely. Some can’t seem to settle down while others can keep a straight face no matter what happens. While the wilder and more emotive signs–like Aries and Scorpio–are certainly fun to have around, sometimes you’re better off around someone with more relaxing energy. If you need a calming presence in your life, stick to these three zodiac signs. Their calming auras will help you settle down and relax.


If you tell a Taurus something important, they won’t fly off the handle. Even if it’s something that makes them upset, it’ll come off as a slow simmer. Although they’re known for being stubborn, it isn’t an explosive stubbornness. If you ever find yourself in trouble and need help, a Taurus is the one to go to. They’ll come up with a game plan and execute it, all while making you feel calm and taken care of. And if they’re your significant other, you can feel comforted when you just need to talk. They’ll cuddle with you as you vent about your day.


The calming aura of a Cancer is reserved almost entirely for other people. While they might be a little frantic when it comes to their own lives and feelings, they’re great to go to when you’re going through something rough. Cancers are great listeners and have strong empathetic powers. They’ll provide just the kind of calming energy you need to start feeling whole again. It’s their intrinsic caring nature that makes them so good to go to when you’re in times of crisis.


Aquariuses aren’t very emotive people, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t feeling anything. Instead of sharing how they feel, they’re better at providing the calming aura you need when you just need to relax. Go to them when life gets too hectic. They’ll calm you down just by being in their vicinity, and they may even offer to take some of your load so life isn’t so full. While they may be a bit quiet when it comes to their connection with you, that’s just the Aquarius’s calming aura in full bloom.