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3 Zodiacs Who Need Space on November 12

While it’s nice to be around people, even the most social zodiac signs need space sometimes. It’s that deep breath you need when your social calendar is making you feel bogged down. On November 12, these three zodiac signs will need space more than anyone else. If you’re one of these signs, find little ways to be alone and relaxed. And if you know one of these signs, you might want to give them a break today. You can always talk to them tomorrow.


You love to just hunker down at home, watch your favorite shows or play your favorite games, and unwind into a puddle on your bed or couch. And there’s literally nothing wrong with that. This is the perfect activity for a lazy Sunday. If you can, cancel all concrete plans for November 12 and just veg. You might have to ask a loved one for a little space, but hopefully they understand by now that Taurus sometimes just need alone time to recharge and recuperate.


When your feelings are particularly strong, you have a few options for what to do with them. You could either go to other people to talk them out, or you could be on your own to get through them yourself. On November 12, you’re better off going solo. Sometimes including others in your issues only makes them worse–especially if it’s the people in question who are causing you strife. Today, get some space from everyone and just sit with your feelings. You’ll be able to figure it out all on your own. And if you still need to talk to someone, you can do it tomorrow after you’ve cooled off.


Whenever you’re particularly heated, there’s a chance you can blow up social situations beyond repair. You’ll feel like you’re saying the right thing at the time, but when you cool off, you realize you just burned a bridge that you didn’t need to. On November 12, get space from the people and scenarios that are bothering you. Rather than acting first and thinking later, examine how you feel when you’re alone and away from the stressors. If you’re still feeling spicy, by all means burn that bridge. But you might instead find that you’re just fine after that cooling-off period.