Brandon Woelfel

3 Zodiacs Who Should Let Love In On November 10

Sometimes all it takes to manifest change in your life is to be open to it. Unlocking that one door could let all manner of positive energies in. It’s true in friendship and career–and even in love. Do you want love to find you? For the following three zodiac signs, open the door to let love in on November 10. Look for signs from the universe that are leading you to your next romantic adventure. You never know when you might meet your soulmate.


You might be resistant to the idea that a mindset shift could have this much impact on your life. After all, you’re not really one of those people who rely on manifesting to change your life. But what could it hurt to open yourself up for just one day? On November 10, think about what you want in your partner and look for ways to find it. If you see something that fits your checklist, follow it. Whether you know it or not, you have the power to make anything happen today–especially when it comes to love.


You’re often resistant to letting love in because of the ways you’ve been hurt in the past. Every time you get your heart broken, that’s irrefutable proof that you’re better off alone–at least that’s the way you’ve reasoned it out in your head. Getting hurt is terrible, it’s true, but you shouldn’t let the past hold you back like that. On November 10, let your walls down. It’s just one day and you can always raise your hackles again tomorrow. But by letting love in, you might just find proof that it’s worth all the trouble after all.


You’d prefer to have your whole life planned down to every minute detail, so the idea of just letting love find you feels weird and foreign to you. That’s too much spontaneity for your taste. Alas, you can’t plan for love. Sometimes you just have to let go of the reins a little and see what happens. On November 10, give up some of the control you love so much. Let love in today by putting yourself in situations and just see what happens. Maybe a friend can set you up with someone? When it’s out of your hands, that might just be the perfect moment to find someone you never would have considered.