3 Zodiacs Who Should Stay Away From Fire Signs On November 14
Fire signs–Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius–are known for their bold personalities and their knack for stealing the spotlight even when they aren’t really trying. And if you anger a fire sign? Best steer clear or you might get burned. For the following three zodiac signs, it’s better to stay as far away from fire signs as you can on November 14. You’ll be thankful that you did.
Surprised to see yourself on this list? Although you’re a fire sign yourself, that doesn’t mean you’re safe out their with other signs from your element right now. While you’re normally ready for a fight, sometimes it’s better to take a cue from the other elements and just chill out. Spend November 14 channeling the water signs and embrace your emotions. You can always burn bright with your other fire sign friends tomorrow.
You’ll be feeling extra sensitive on November 14. Maybe it’s the changing seasons and the depression that can come from the shortening days. Or maybe something is going on in your life that makes you feel like there’s an exposed wire in your heart, easily tripped. The fiery personalities that come with fire signs can sometimes make it heart to heal as delicately as you need. While plenty of fire signs are well-meaning in their energetic vibes, that doesn’t mean you have to be around it all the time. Today, protect your heart and do the self-care necessary to heal.
Of all the other zodiac signs, you’re probably most like a fire sign. You aren’t afraid to fight for what you believe in and are known for being stubborn and opinionated. That said, your complementary nature doesn’t mean you always get along with Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. On November 14, their energy will feel grating more than welcoming. Listen to how you feel and just do your own thing today. It doesn’t have to be a competition.