3 Zodiacs Who Struggle With Abandonment Issues
Aries fears being abandoned by their significant others because this could mean that other people are viewing them in the same way they see themselves. In essence, Aries’ worst fear is that because they don’t like themselves, others will see themselves in the same way, and then choose to walk away. Their worst fear is having someone take the time to get to know them, discover who they are, and then end up not liking what they find once they do uncover the deepest and most shameful parts of themselves. This is why Aries is always cautious of showing someone their true selves, and they don’t open up easily, which is all the more reason that Aries tend to keep to themselves and not let someone in. Like mentioned before, this is all a result of fearing being abandoned or rejected for who they are.
Pisces has a hard time opening up and trusting others. They have a hard time letting their guard down and allowing someone in. This is not to say that they dislike you, only that they are unwilling to let someone hurt them again. Pisces have a fear of people abandoning them in relationships due to ever letting someone that close to them and then losing that connection. They don’t want to be so in love with someone that they end up feeling betrayed or backstabbed by the very person they trusted the most in the world. They aren’t ready or prepared to face that amount of pain, and so they keep to themselves and keep themselves hidden from the rest of the world in order to not let someone that close to them.
A Sagittarius places their self-worth and self-esteem on others’ evaluation of themselves. This means that their friends’ praise or constructive criticisms can really alter a Sagittarius’ mood and self-esteem. This also means that due to their low self-esteem and self-worth, they think that they are less deserving of what others have. And they especially think that being abandoned is a likely thing to happen to them because they believe so strongly that another person could not love them through their insecurities or anxieties that comes with every relationship. Thus, Sagittarius are quick to jump to the conclusion that they are being abandoned whenever they feel unwanted or unloved in the relationship. Sagittarius have a bad habit of thinking they are worthy of being discarded or left behind, when in reality, they are definitely worthy of being chosen, kept, and cherished in the same way as others.