Chris Nguyen

3 Zodiacs Who Will Experience Good Luck During The Summer Solstice

Summer solstice is right around the corner. While you can think of it as taking the whole day on June 20th, it especially hits at 4:51 PM EST. The seasons are shifting and now we’re entering our summer era where we slough off the heaviness of winter and spring to stand out fresh and new–soaking in the revitalizing sunshine. While everyone can thrive for the summer solstice, these three zodiac signs will be especially lucky right now. Will you have good luck? Look for your zodiac sign below.


Not only is the summer solstice ushering in summer, it’s also the beginning of Cancer season. If anyone is going to be especially lucky right now, it’s you. Your good luck will come from your willingness to be open and accepting not just of others, but of yourself. Enter this summer with the goal of being much less hard on yourself. Treat yourself with the care you treat others and your good luck will grow.


If you’ve been feeling icky about all the rain of spring or are still hung up on the cold of winter, this is your time to literally shine. The summer heat and sun will revitalize you this year. Your good luck will come from making big plans for both the solstice and the summer as a whole. Get all your favorite people together for summer shenanigans like days at the beach, roasting marshmallows around the fire and talking for hours under the stars. Good luck will find you in these moments.


You’re not always the person who “believes” in luck, which is surprising for how often it finds you. Instead, you believe that any luck you get you found because you worked for it. And it’s true! Your good luck this summer solstice will come from your actions. Work toward making things happen and you’ll find that things just seem to slot into place. On June 20th, make a big move toward your dreams and you may be surprised how close you get.