TC Agency / Midjourney

3 Zodiacs Who Will Sense A Magical Aura Shift This Week (9/16-9/23)

This week, the magical aura shift isn’t limited to these three signs alone; it’s a universal wave encouraging all of us to tune into the subtle energies at play. Pay attention to the signs—the coincidences, the intuitive nudges, the dreams that linger upon waking.


For you, Virgo, the winds of change are stirring. As the sun prepares to leave your sign, it engages in a celestial dance with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto from Thursday through Sunday. This sequence of planetary interactions ignites a transformative period. On Thursday, the trine between the sun and Uranus encourages spontaneity and innovation. If you’ve been feeling stuck or uninspired, this is your moment to try something new, to leap into uncharted territory. Trust your instincts—they could lead you to breakthroughs you hadn’t imagined. However, be mindful on Friday when the sun opposes nebulous Neptune. Clarity might be elusive, and it’s easy to become distracted or uncertain. Ground yourself in reality, and avoid making impulsive decisions. By Sunday, the sun’s trine with powerful Pluto empowers you to harness your inner strength. Reflect on your goals and the path you’re on. This is a time to embrace your personal power responsibly, to make choices that align with your deepest values. The aura shift you’re experiencing is a catalyst for growth, Virgo—embrace it with open arms.


Libra, balance has always been your guiding principle, and this week, the universe aligns in your favor. On Sunday, the sun moves into your sign, marking the equinox and the beginning of Libra season. This celestial event brings equal parts day and night, mirroring your innate desire for peace. It’s an invitation to restore the calm in your life—within relationships, work, and your own inner world. Take this time to reassess your priorities. Are there areas where you’ve given too much of yourself or neglected your needs? The energy shift encourages you to find that sweet spot where giving and receiving are in harmony. Additionally, Venus, your ruling planet, clashes with Pluto before moving into passionate Scorpio on Sunday. This transition may stir intense emotions or unveil power dynamics in your relationships. Approach these revelations with honesty and compassion. Vulnerability isn’t a weakness but a bridge to deeper connection and understanding. By embracing the transformative energy of this week, you open yourself to growth and the strengthening of bonds that truly matter.


Pisces, this week the universe beckons you to dive deep into the well of your imagination. On Tuesday, the full supermoon graces your sign, not just illuminating the night sky but also casting a glow on your inner world. This isn’t any ordinary full moon—it’s a partial lunar eclipse, the first of its kind on the Virgo/Pisces axis that will influence you until February 2027. It’s as if the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, allowing you to tap into creativity and intuition you may have forgotten. Pay attention to coincidences and serendipitous moments; they’re not mere chance but signs guiding you toward deeper self-understanding and healing. Let compassion lead your interactions, and consider opening dialogues that mend old wounds. The magic you sense is real, Pisces, and it’s inviting you to align with your true self.