4 Birth Months Who Need A Lot Of Reassurance In Relationships
H Influencer Collective / Alivia Latimer

4 Birth Months Who Need A Lot Of Reassurance In Relationships

Some people are going to trust you when you say that you would never hurt them. But others are going to need you to reassure them that this is still true as the relationship progresses, through your actions and your words. Here are the birth months who need a lot of reassurance in relationships:


People born in March have the tendency to overthink. If you go too long without saying those three little words, they’re going to jump to the worst possible conclusion. If you don’t want them to start spiraling, then it’s important to voice your feelings for them frequently. Don’t be shy about telling them how much you care about them because oversharing isn’t going to push them away. Only undersharing will. If you go too long without assuring them of your love, then they’re going to start to wonder whether the relationship is falling apart. They need to hear those three little words every single day. 


People born in May are going to stay loyal in a committed relationship — but they will be worried you won’t do the same. Maybe it’s because they’ve been hurt in the past or because they’ve seen the way other relationships around them have fallen apart, but they aren’t going to automatically expect you to treat them right. You are going to have to earn their trust over time. And even after you earn that trust, they’re going to need reassurance that you’re still happy in the relationship, that you still want to be with them and only them, that you aren’t planning on going anywhere. They don’t want to get caught by surprise if you’re unhappy, so try to keep the lines of communication open. They want you to tell them exactly how you’re feeling so they know what to expect.


People born in July aren’t going to feel comfortable in the relationship unless you are telling them you love them every single day. Even though they commonly show their love through their actions, they need your words in order to feel valued and appreciated. They need to hear you say how you feel, so don’t assume that they already know and don’t need to be reminded. They do. If you go too long without telling them how much they mean to you, they are going to wonder whether your feelings have faded, whether you are losing interest, whether you are going to walk away sometime soon. They need you to state your love loudly and proudly. They need constant reminders that you still care so that they don’t have to worry about you going anywhere.


People born in November have a bad habit of expecting the worst. Whenever even the smallest problem goes wrong in the relationship, they will worry that it’s the end. When you are a little too quiet, they’ll wonder the same thing. They’re always prepared for the worst, which is why they need your reminders that you love them dearly and aren’t going to leave them out of the blue. People born during this month won’t beg you for compliments because they don’t want to appear needy, but they are secretly craving sweet words. They need to hear you say how much you care, out loud, as frequently as you can, in order to feel comfortable in the relationship. They need more reassurance than you’d think, so don’t hesitate to say those three little words first.