4 Zodiac Signs Attracting Drama During The Full Moon In Leo (2/12)
Leo is all about the drama.
A not-insignificant number of actors, musicians, and high-profile celebrities have this sign prominently placed in their birth charts, and during transits to Leo, the scandals and seediness of Hollywood are usually revealed in a big way.
This could not be more brilliantly displayed during full moons in Leo, and this year’s is ramping up to be a whirlwind. With Mercury closely conjunct with the sun in Aquarius, the moon makes its exact opposition at 24° Leo on February 12. As you might know, the impact of a lunation like this can last up to a week before or after, but the full moon is exact at 1:53 PM EST, disrupting our Wednesday in the most chaotic way possible.
While everyone is likely to enjoy sitting back and watching the inevitable tabloid drama that unfolds this week, those with major placements in the latter degrees of Leo are going to be magnets for drama in their own lives—and should be cautious about acting fuel to the fire around this time when everyone is bound to be looking for dirt to dig up.
Even if you have no major Leo placements, if you’re a fixed sign, you’re not out of the woods. If you have any of the four following rising signs, you might want to read this. Why? The simple fact of the matter is that Leo sits on one of the angles in your chart, meaning some aspect of your life is going to be highlighted during this full moon, whether you like it or not. Let the games begin.
With the full moon lighting up secrets in your fourth house, your private domain is about to get a little more chaotic than you might have anticipated. Excesses of pride from your family or roommates might cause you to feel heavily restricted or overpowered. Be careful not to allow yourself to be dragged into conflicts that have nothing to do with you, but don’t play the passive role either; the last thing you want to do right now is appear meek and vulnerable when you are surrounded by people eager to cast blame on someone. It might as well be you, and if you’re already sometimes scapegoated by your family, their antagonistic impulses will be heightened significantly this week. With the ruler of the full moon currently in close conjunction to Mercury in your tenth house, be wary of vindictive bad-faith actors taking your private drama to the public stage.
The full moon is casting light on your secret challenges with your physical appearance and sense of self, so if you’ve been going through an identity crisis or hiding the fact you’ve gotten Botox, you might manage to sufficiently trigger someone into lashing out at you. Remember, if you publicly hyper-fixate on a specific insecurity, you send the message to someone else that they, too, are not good enough. Your reputation is under review this week as others scrutinize you, looking for any reason to accuse you of narcissism and pridefulness. The truth is, you might need to do some soul-searching and acknowledge that you have been unpleasantly vain lately. The ruler of the full moon is currently hanging out in close conjunction with Mercury in your seventh house, indicating that your closest relationships will be impacted by the choices you’ve made—and that they are probably going to be brutally honest about their feelings.
This full moon is bringing revelations to your relationship sector as it unfolds in your seventh house. If you’ve been harboring some nagging dissatisfaction with your partner’s selfishness, pride, or vanity, you’re likely to be triggered enough this week to express your concerns—especially if your loved one’s grandiosity has been reflecting poorly on you, too. If you’ve been found guilty by association, you’ll want to clear your name. Not in a romantic relationship? Think of the person closest to you in your life, be that a business partner or a best friend, and consider how they have been stirring up negativity in your world. With the ruler of the full moon stationed in your first house, closely conjunct Mercury, you’re encouraged to speak up with boldness and lay down some ground rules, boundaries, and restrictions. Or, if you are trapped in a toxic cycle with a true narcissist, it might be time to exit for good.
This full moon is bringing light to the shadows in your tenth house, so if you have been doing something you shouldn’t be, you’re likely to face some consequences for your actions this week. Before you get too nervous about the skeletons that might be emerging from your closet, remember that secrets are a sickness—and sometimes the only way to truly face your demons is to be held accountable for the choices you’ve been making under their influence. It might hurt for a while, but ultimately there will be a feeling of catharsis, relief, and freedom. Inevitably, profound healing will come for those who are willing to work on improving themselves. In your fourth house, the ruler of the full moon sits in close conjunction with Mercury, encouraging you to seek counsel from well-meaning family members.