4 Zodiac Signs Happier Single Than With MIA Partners
Most zodiacs want a partner who is present. Who shows up when they promise they will show up. Who treats you consistently instead of going missing out of the blue and making you wonder what happened to them. Here are the zodiacs who are happier single than with MIA partners who they can’t rely on:
You are only going to date someone who treats you right — and they should be treating you right one thousand percent of the time, not picking and choosing when to spoil you rotten and when to act like you’re invisible. You aren’t interested in a relationship where you have no idea what your partner is doing half the time, where you’re waiting for them to answer your texts for days and days. You need someone reliable and consistent. Someone who won’t disappear out of the blue, then turn back up acting like nothing is wrong. You might have settled for this type of behavior in the past, but it’s not going to be a part of your future. You’re not going to stand for it anymore.
You would much rather be single than with a partner who goes MIA all the time. You are an overthinker, so you don’t want to put up with the questions that would plague your mind whenever they disappear. This type of person would bring out your worst insecurities. They would make you start picking yourself apart. And you aren’t going to let that happen. You aren’t going to let their bad behavior convince you that something is wrong with you. You aren’t going to stand for a relationship that makes you doubt yourself. Your partner should be raising your confidence, not crumbling it. They should be giving you more reasons to love yourself, not to hate yourself.
If you’re going to commit to someone, the least they could do is answer your texts. That’s the bare minimum. That should be a given. If they can’t even do that much for you, then they definitely don’t deserve you. They definitely aren’t going to be a part of your life for long. You would much rather be single than sit around waiting for someone to change and start treating you better. You love yourself too much to settle for treatment like that. So it doesn’t matter how attractive this person is or how much chemistry you have in the beginning. If they aren’t going to keep in contact with you and keep you in the loop, then you’re going to show them the door.
You value communication, especially in romantic relationships. You would never feel entirely comfortable dating someone who keeps you in the dark. You don’t need to know their every move, but you need frequent updates. You need to know what’s going on in their world because you’re supposed to be a team. You’re supposed to share everything. If they don’t want to keep you informed, either they’re hiding something sketchy or they aren’t interested in opening up to you in the same way you wish to open up to them. Either way, you’re better off apart. You would rather be single than with someone who isn’t on the same page as you.