God & Man

4 Zodiac Signs That Look 25 In Their 40s

Looking younger than your age is a complicated art that is influenced by multiple factors, some of which are under our control and some which aren’t. One thing you can’t control are your genes, which have a big effect on your longevity and aging process.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a huge role in whether you look more youthful than your years.

But more than anything else, your attitude may be the secret to maintaining a vibrant look. As a popular saying goes, “You‘re born with the face God gave you, but at 40you get the face you deserve.” People with an optimistic outlook on life tend to age more slowly than pessimists who tend to overstress, find the worst in any situation, and wind up with more cracks in their face than an aerial view of Death Valley.

Your experience may vary, but the following four zodiacs have the inside track to looking younger than they are due to the personality traits the stars gifted them at birth. Both Libra and Taurus are here because they’re ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and they shudder at the thought of displeasing their planetary goddess.

1. Virgo 

The zodiac’s apex purity-chasing fussbudget perfectionist naturally comes in first place. Virgo’s attention to detail extends not only to their career and friendships, but it also dominates their tireless drive to put their best face (and body) forward for all the world to see. They will do whatever it takes to keep the flame of youth flickering for as long as possible, whether it means using the latest collagen-enriched skin creams to maintain a healthy glow or dabbing retinol pads on their cheeks to keep their smile from sagging into a frown. They will eat organic kale, drink raw milk, and recoil from processed, chemical-laden foods. They will jog, do yoga, and exercise every day so they can always be the most alluring version of themselves.

2. Leo

The most outgoing sign of them all is known for loving attention and taking pride in their looks. This is why, even though they’re ruled by the Sun, Leos are rarely found without a tube of sunscreen. But their true secret to remaining attractive as they enter middle age and the darker years beyond is the fact that they radiate confidence just like the Sun radiates light and warmth. The positive vibe they generate may fool you into thinking they look younger than they are. A charismatic smile can cover up a thousand wrinkles.

3. Taurus

Despite occasional spurts of obstinacy, Taureans are prized for their laid-back attitude toward life, which keeps them young at heart and prevents the stress hormone cortisol from ravaging their looks. Their Venusian traits give them a fondness for elegance and poise. They value all the elements that define classic beauty. They value the finer things in life, which means they strive to look as fine as possible well into their twilight years.

4. Libra

Just like Taurus, Libra is in thrall to Venus, so it is paramount that they always look as attractive as is humanly possible. Libra is represented by the Scales, which grants them an affinity for balance and harmony. As any aesthetician will tell you, the most beautiful faces are symmetrical, and Libra will do all they can to ensure that not only do their faces look good, but their clothes and hairstyle complement their well-proportioned body. When it comes to looking their best, Libra never takes things too far, but they have an uncanny knack for taking things just far enough.