4 Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Gemini Soulmates
Geminis have a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most difficult zodiac signs to get along with. This is because you never know exactly which Gemini you’re going to get at any given moment—they’re known as the Twins for a reason. They change their minds far more often than they change their underwear. Just like night follows day and winter follows summer, they can be extremely fun one minute and an incredible pain in the ass the next.
One moment they promise to be yours and only yours forever; the next, they’re flirting with your best friend. One day they say they want to settle down with you and build a lifetime together; the next, they say they need some “alone time”—just a year or two. It seems like only last night that they were professing undying love to you, so why did they tell you this morning that they never really believed in love?
Why would someone wish to be soulmates with someone who can be extremely soulful one minute, while the next minute it seems as if they don’t even have a soul?
Here are the four zodiac signs who are most suited for the unenviable task of being Gemini’s soulmate.
1. Libra
It’s often been said that when you meet “the one,” your heart might not race, you might not break into a sudden sweat, and you might not feel dizzy—you’ll just be overwhelmed with a massive sense of calm. This is why Gemini and Libra, both of whom are air signs, make the perfect soulmates. They effortlessly float in the stratosphere together, unhampered by hindrances such as earth, water, or fire. More than any other zodiac combination, Gemini and Libra are likely to lock the doors, pull down the shades, turn off the lights, and live in their own little world.
2. Aries
A fire sign ruled by the warrior planet Mars, Aries is more outgoing, career-oriented, and gregarious than Gemini. This makes for an “opposites attract” sort of connection, and when people can fill in each other’s gaps—like two pieces of a puzzle perfectly clicking in place together—sometimes it can make for a lifetime of complementary bliss. But when opposites are too fundamentally different in all the wrong ways, the high highs often lead to extremely low lows. All that a fire (Aries) needs to start blazing out of control is some air (Gemini), and suddenly everything is scorched beyond repair.
3. Leo
As with Gemini and Aries, the pairing of Gemini and Leo presents another fire-and-air quandary. As anyone who’s ever built a campfire knows, once you get a strong wind blowing on a few meager flames, within seconds you have a raging inferno that burns as bright as the sun. It can keep you warm and it can cook your meals, but it can also burn you alive. And between the hyper-creative Gemini and the super-sensual Leo, the fire burns brightest in the bedroom. Leo’s physicality will attract Gemini like a moth to a flame, and Leo will be drawn to Gemini’s intelligence and humor.
4. Cancer
This is the oddest pairing of the bunch. On one side, you have the notoriously unpredictable Gemini, who is so moody that they are represented by Twins. On the other side you have the legendarily emotional and often mercurial Cancer, who is so prone to bitterness and hiding their emotions that they are symbolized by the Crab. One would think it’d be impossible for these two signs to get along—and it often is. But every once in a while, their mutual erratic natures have a multiplying factor, and BOOM!—you have a relationship that’s as strong as, and a love as fierce as, an atomic bomb.