4 Zodiac Signs Who Never Stop Thinking About Their Ex

With all the time and effort it takes to make a relationship work, it’s natural to dwell on a past romance for inordinate stretches of time. Though heartbreak is never easy to deal with, reflecting on the end of a relationship does have its benefits, affording us a chance to analyze our complex feelings for our former significant other. As beneficial as this period of reflection might be, some signs continue to hold onto these intricate emotions, routinely thinking about their ex for weeks, months, sometimes years after their romance has officially ended.


For you, the end of a relationship feels like the end of life as you know it. Demolishing any sense of normalcy or predictability you had in your everyday life, you’re now forced to adjust to the new norm (I.E., single life). Grappling with this new reality, you’ll routinely retreat back to the comfort of your memories, fondly remembering the times you’ve spent with your ex as a way to cope with your present troubles.


When a relationship concludes for you, Libra, you smile fondly and marvel at the exciting possibilities that lay ahead. Maybe you’ll finally take that long-awaited solo trip to Paris or enroll in that art class as a way to recreate yourself. Maybe you’ll actually give up some meddling habits you’ve been meaning to leave behind. Once you have established some distance from your partner, however, you’ll start to realize how much you miss their presence in your life, triggering a strong emotional response you hadn’t previously anticipated.


It takes a long time for you to open up to a person, Scorpio, requiring a significant risk on your part to make yourself emotionally available. That being said, you need to experience strong feelings for your partner to lower your walls and display a vulnerability you don’t feel entirely comfortable expressing to the average person. For this reason, once a relationship ends, you can’t help but have doubts any time you’re meant to express your feelings to a new partner, forcing you to once again think about the private conversations you shared with your former lover.


When your relationship ends, Pisces, you want answers, demanding a sense of closure that most break-ups simply don’t provide. Once you and your lover go your separate ways, you’ll ruminate over where the relationship soured and what you could have done to prevent its dissolution. Mapping out every possible outcome that ends with you and your ex getting back together, you can’t move on from a relationship until you’ve accepted there’s nothing you could have done to solve you and your partner’s issues.