4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Thrive During Scorpio Season
Scorpio season has arrived friends—and with it, an opportunity for transformation and introspection.
From October 23rd to November 22nd, the Sun will be in the intense, reserved sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed water sign notable for authenticity and straightforwardness. Moving slowly yet intentionally is Scorpio’s game plan, and it often pays off.
During this season, we’ll experience the Scorpio New Moon on November 13th, the Taurus partial Lunar Eclipse on October 28th, and Saturn will finally station direct after a long period of retrograde on November 4th. These transits are going to change course for many of us, and it’s worth preparing for a shift.
While all the signs will have personal experiences with Scorpio season, four signs are likely to thrive the most during this time. Check the signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which zodiac signs are most likely to thrive during Scorpio season.
It’s your season, Scorpio. As the Sun moves through your 1st House of Self and Identity, the focus is on what you want and need out of your life, and what you can do to get there. While the last year and a half has felt heavy (and eclipse season was intense), you now have the chance to step into the most authentic version of yourself. The full moon in Taurus will likely highlight the state of your relationships and connections. It will shed some light on who will likely stick around now that you’re asserting yourself more. Additionally, once Saturn in Pisces stations direct in your 5th House of Romance and Creativity, you may feel assured in terms of what brings you joy.
Exploration is important, Pisces, and Scorpio season is giving you the opportunity to focus on discovery. As the Sun moves through your 9th House of Travel, Expansion, and Higher Education, you may feel pulled to expand your horizons. Whether this involves moving or traveling somewhere new, or taking on new approaches to life, this season asks where you want to end up, the type of person you want to become, and how the world around you can strongly aid in that discovery. Additionally, once Saturn stations direct in your 1st House of Self, you may feel more confident and secure in the person you are and how you show up in the world.
It’s okay to let loose sometimes, Cancer—especially with Scorpio season taking place in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure. This season may feel ripe with inspiration and revelation in terms of what brings you joy, and it’s worth sitting with this information as it comes to you. With the Full Moon appearing in your 11th House of Networking and Friendship, you may find new creative endeavors brought to life.
Your public image and career may benefit from some focus this season, Aquarius. As the Sun moves through your 10th House of Career and Public Image, the question of where you want to be professionally will likely feel more pressing, yet also more empowering. Some fresh starts on the horizon may put things into perspective, especially once Saturn in Pisces stations direct in your 11th House of Networking and Friendship. You could feel more secure in your close connections and comfortable letting go of those holding you back from where you want to be.