4 Zodiacs About To Rip Off The New Life Chapter Bandaid
What people don’t realize about Sagittarius is that though their comfort zones are at the very far ends of the spectrum, they struggle with all the room in between. They can spend a lazy day at home in their pajamas or spontaneously hop on a plane to another country, but facing an unknown change in their day to day routine can be really overwhelming. Whatever it is that Sagittarius is fearing on the horizon, it’s better to just get the initial shock over with so they can start adjusting, like plunging into a cold pool all at once instead of inching in. What’s new and scary today can become comforting and stable tomorrow. You just have to give it a chance to sink in.
Virgo lives for order and control, but the thing about change is that neither are usually involved. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches until you find an opening to punch back. No amount of preparation or training can ever fully prevent you from getting hurt or caught off-guard, but it can help you bounce back faster, spring into action, and know how to develop a plan. The faster you move past the surprise, the faster you can decide what you’re going to do with it. Even good news we’re not expecting can be overwhelming, Virgo. Comfort just means establishing a homeostasis with what we know. That doesn’t mean it’s what’s best for us. Sometimes we have to adjust to what’s meant for us.
Leo always has a good time with life. There are always friends and parties, activities and invitations to look forward to. But when life requires them to buckle down and focus exclusively on the task at hand, the shock can be painful. Sometimes it’s better for Leo to just jump right into their lifestyle change than try to straddle their old and new lives at the same time. If they can just knock out the things they have to do, they can spend less time getting through the struggle. It takes a lot of dedication and self-control, but it can be done. Leo just needs to find a reward big enough for the sacrifice. If they dangle the right carrot, there’s nothing they can’t get done.
Ripping the bandaid off is sometimes all about letting go, Taurus. Letting go of things, places, or ideas of who you were, or who you were going to be Taurus. You have to trust that whatever is coming next, whatever is replacing what has been will be better. You can’t get a new wardrobe until you clean out your closet, or get a new job until you leave your current one. You can’t start a new relationship unless you’re emotionally available, and you can’t find your dream home if you’re unwilling to leave your current dwelling. The sooner you find the strength to release your grip on the past, the sooner you can run towards and fully embrace everything that’s waiting for you on the other side.