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4 Zodiacs Beginning A New Life Chapter In October


Your new life chapter is about holding yourself accountable, Virgo. Sure, we know you’re functional. You take out the trash, load and unload the dishwasher, wash your sheets twice a week (you are a Virgo after all), but when it comes to the to-do list you don’t brag about, the one you don’t even mention to other people, there’s a whole lot to unpack. What’s been keeping you from making time for the things that actually bring you joy? Is it a fear of failure? A flawed belief that your needs are not actually important when compared to others? Whatever the reason, this next life chapter is about adopting daily habits that will overhaul the way you prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment. 


I know this sounds like a completely foreign concept to you, Gemini, but this next life chapter is about addressing the source of your anxiety. Why does conflict send your heart into a flutter? Why does a looming deadline seem to paralyze your productivity? Why does cancelling plans make you want to tear your hair out? Avoiding the problem has not helped improve you quality of life thus far, so it’s time to try a different approach. Seek help where you can, from a counselor, mentor, or close friend. Don’t be afraid to talk about the problem, or how it makes you feel. When you accept the fact that it’s okay to be struggling in the first place, then you can start looking for solutions.


Your next life chapter is about find more reasons to celebrate, Aries. You can get so focused, so head down in your work that you let the highs pass you by. Money goes straight into the bank, meals are scarfed down in between appointments, and most of your social interactions are happening via your phone. It’s crucial you take a moment to pause, a moment to really acknowledge the power at your fingertips. Buy the new car you can now afford. Take the trip you’ve been meaning to plan for a decade. Take your family and friends out to dinner. Life will pass you by if you don’t bother to take the time to live it. There are so many good things happening around you, and you deserve that touchdown dance.


I’m not going to sugarcoat it Aquarius, your next life chapter is a really scary one. It’s about feeling disconnected from your own life, from your own self, or at least the latest version of who you thought you were. You’re going to look around at everything and everyone in your life and realize all of the ways you’ve outgrown your current surroundings. Once the initial shock wears off, you’ll be left with one overarching question: “What now?” How you approach the answers is up to you. You could move to a new city, pick up a brand new hobby, apply for a new job, learn a new language, lean into any one of the million ways of reinventing yourself, of finding a new skin you fit into.