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4 Zodiacs Destined For A Sugary Sweet Spring Fling This March

While some flings are spicy, full of sexy moments that will last forever in your bawdiest memories, others prefer a sweet approach. This spring, rather than the heat of a spicy encounter, these four zodiac signs are more suited toward a sugary sweet spring fling. It’s the kind of micro relationship that gives you warm, fuzzy feelings long after it’s over. Are you likely to spend the spring thaw of March with a sweet fling? Read on to find out.


As a fiery Aries, your flings are more often spicy than they are sweet, but you’ve been having a shift in your priorities lately. You watch cute rom-coms and wonder what it would be like to have that same kind of flashy romance. That’s what you’re manifesting this spring. As a powerful cardinal sign, you’re great at magicking your way into what you want. If you desire that sugary sweet spring fling, the odds are good that you’ll get just that. All you have to do is look for it.


Spicy flings aren’t your style. You’d prefer stolen kisses on a Ferris wheel or holding hands while you walk by the water. Whispered confessions, little gifts to show you care–it’s the kind of romance worth writing about. If you find yourself single this spring, this is your time to make those sugary sweet dreams come true. Dedicate your March to finding someone who likes that kind of romance just as much as you do.


Flings are your bread and butter. You often prefer the short nature of a fling, although they rarely have the kind of heart necessary for the sugary sweet variety. Rather than a flash-in-the-pan romance you might find over a weekend trip out of the country, look for a romance that tugs at your heartstrings instead. Just because your March fling is brief, that doesn’t mean it can’t be sweet and romantic. With a taste of a sugary sweet fling, you may just realize that this was the kind of romance you wanted all along.


Flings usually aren’t your kind of thing. While you might want a fling, you’re worried you’ll catch feelings and make it awkward. Try as you might, a sugary sweet spring fling will be hard to avoid this March. The best thing you can do is go with the flow. You never know how amazing the experience will be. Sure, you might end up wanting it to become the real deal, but that’s just the chance you take. (And there’s a very good chance they feel it, too.)