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4 Zodiacs Feeling More Emotional Than Ever This Week (December 5 – 10)

There’s something about the holiday season. As it creeps ever closer to the end of the year, all the things you may have been pushing away start to bubble up to the surface. You can no longer run from your feelings and instead have to face them whether you want to or not. For these four zodiac signs, this week will be full of emotional upheaval. Rather than hiding from your feelings, you’ll be forced to face them. How will you handle it?


You’re normally really good at keeping your feelings in check. While you have a deep well of emotion, only your partner or best friend will have any idea how you’re feeling. After all, you don’t want to burden people with what’s going on and you certainly don’t want to be pitied. This week, it’ll be harder than ever to keep those feelings inside. But maybe that’s a good thing? There’s nothing wrong with feeling things and letting those feelings be known. Do yourself a favor and just let it go this week. Holding back is exhausting, after all.


Regardless of whether or not you’re feeling a lot of emotions right now, you’d prefer to go about your week without factoring in your feelings. You have too much to do. Holiday shopping, meal planning, cleaning the house–they’re all priorities that are higher on the to-do list than your mental health. Emotions have a canny way of sneaking up on you, though. Before you even realize it, you’re having a breakdown in a dressing room or snapping at a customer. Give yourself some grace this week, because it’s going to be a rough one.


While you’re already a fairly emotional person (you are a water sign, after all), you do a great job of hiding it. Sure, you have that mysterious, brooding nature that hints at an emotional side, but it’s not like you let people really see it. This week, it’ll be harder than ever to keep your feelings to yourself. There’s something about the short days and gloomy weather that has all those emotions bubbling to the surface. If you really want to keep things to yourself–which is debatable whether that’s a good thing or not–you might want to avoid people entirely.


Your emotions are going to get you in trouble this week, if you aren’t careful. While you’re no stranger to intense feelings, you’re normally good about not letting them get the best of you. Unfortunately, you won’t have as much control. You might end up saying something to someone that you’ll regret. If you’re mad at someone, you might want to keep your distance until you know you can handle the interaction.