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4 Zodiacs Finally Moving On From Their 2023 Drama In January


Leo was on some mean girl shit in 2023, from the giving and receiving end if they’re being honest with themselves, but they’re leaving that karma behind in the new year. People can change their minds, change their opinions, their words, and their actions. Leo has decided to treat people the way they want to be treated, and to be more selective with the people they surround themselves with. There is no use trying to please people who talk badly about Leo behind their back, and Leo is committing to not saying the first thing that pops into their head in a moment of frustration. It’s easy to be cruel when we don’t put much thought into it, but Leo is going to take a beat and only say what they truly mean moving forward. What’s done is done, but they’re a year older and wiser, and those lessons learned are being put to good use this year.


Scorpio is putting down the puppet strings and asking for things directly this year. It’s too much work trying to orchestrate everyone, everywhere, for everything in a subtle manner. All of the influencing, reverse psychology, reward systems, and subtle hints are not giving Scorpio the same sense of satisfaction that they once did, and they’ve decided to pivot to an open audition. Whoever is interested in fulfilling the roles that Scorpio needs to achieve their vision this year can raise their hand and participate willingly. It’s going to be much easier, efficient, and expedient and just because Scorpio is committed to the long game doesn’t mean it has to also be slow. Enthusiasm will be the rocket fuel that gets their five year plan completed in one. The missing puzzle piece has finally been found.


That “I told you so” moment Virgo reveled in at the end of last year created such a mess and so much upheaval, that 2024 is all about enjoying being right the same way Virgo enjoys a NSFW film like Saltburn, in the comfort of their own home. There are certain audiences for certain conversations. Certain people Virgo can vent to without any collateral damage, and that lesson has been fully learned at this point. Even though Virgo lives for other people’s drama, there are brouhahas that are best avoided like the plague and scenarios that they now know better than to insert themselves into. The question they have to ask themselves from now on is, “what will I achieve with this snarky comment?”. If the amount of damage far outweighs the momentary personal pleasure, it’s better to let some things go unsaid. Cutting someone some slack is a favor you can cash in on at a later date.


The secret you were keeping last year, Pisces, will finally make its way into the public light of day, relieving you of the enormous responsibility of staying silent. You’ve been loyal, you’ve been reliable, where others would have broken under pressure, and now that everyone knows the gossip, you’ll finally be able to share your two cents on the whole situation with whoever is willing to listen, and the answer is everyone. Thank god you didn’t have to sign an NDA, even though at times it felt like you did. Whatever your reasons for staying silent were, they were well warranted, but now the barriers have been removed and you’ve earned your right to vent about the whole experience. It impacted you directly, and there is no one who needs saving or your own personal PR spin in your retelling. It was what it was, and you’re now free to tell it like it is.