4 Zodiacs In The Midst Of A Big Life Transformation This February
You’ve been riding out this status quo for as long as you can remember, Cancer, telling yourself it’s easier not to rock the boat, that all the alternative paths available are too arduous or simply impossible. You’ve put others’ needs above your own, and let them dictate your priorities, but everyone has a limit, even such a gentle soul as you. The time has come to expose your own dissatisfaction with the way things are going and give life a giant shake up. You are old enough to make your own rules, and you are brave enough to live by them too. Let go of old excuses and embrace a world of self-encouragement. You can let the haters know this is your new forwarding address.
Leo gets along with everyone. People pleasing is a defense mechanism they have mastered and perfected over the years. But the resulting pressure, to balance and meet the conflicting needs of everyone in their massive social circles, has put Leo in a metaphorical straightjacket. There’s no room for them to express their genuine feelings and authentic reactions to anything, because of the risk they pose to maintaining a positive image. This month, someone comes along and unbuckles that jacket. Shows Leo just how desirable agency can be. How healthy boundaries are. How much easier it is to sleep at night when you haven’t been holding yourself back all day. There is a terrifying roar that’s been stuck in the back of their throat for too long. It’s time they let it out.
Aquarius just wants a change. Any kind, big or small. Anything to shake up the monotony of their usual routine and lend them some new perspective. They are drowning in self-doubt, forever wondering if there is something else out there that would make their life better. Something they’ve been lacking or missing or simply ignorant to. They are aware of their own inexperience and the vastness of the world they live in. It’s time to get out there and explore, even if that means hopping on the nearest major highway and driving as far as it will take them. They need to get out there and see what the world has to offer before they can make up their mind about what it is they want out of it.
Libra has done everything they can to save as much money as they can for the last several years. They’ve built the safety net, made the responsible choices, and finally with this last financial goal met, the question becomes, “What now?”. Now that they’ve saved up the money, what do they do with it? Is it time to start learning about investing or take that trip to Italy they’ve been making mood boards for since childhood? Is it time to start a business or buy a home, go back to school or take a year off and start a band? A million different possibilities lie before you, Libra. What is going to transform your life is the act of figuring out which one is best for you.