Midjourney / TC Agency

4 Zodiacs Rethinking Work-Life Balance This Libra Season (9/23-10/22)


A highly energetic and vibrant Zodiac sign, Leo, you carry a strong desire for recognition. This Libra season, you may feel a pull of focus inwardly, and this is a challenge to reassess how priorities are being expressed. You tend to embark on your personal mission with the inclusion of others, casting the net for a strong and wide personal community. This is one of your greatest personal strengths, yet it’s important to remember that others don’t value you for a set list of accolades and accomplishments. Who you are in your core is what allows you to shine. Remembering and staying in touch with your softer side will naturally shift your work-life balance, creating a more authentic expression of who you are.


Dedicated and hard-working Virgo, assessing how you’ve been spending time is a practice worth committing to during Libra season. You tend to go all-in on things worth fighting for, spilling into professional matters. This devotion is amenable, however, a focus on perfection may cause you to neglect self-care and reflection. Ultimately, taking on too many responsibilities takes away from personal values and key strengths. You can do anything, yet now is a humble reminder that not everything need be yours to take on. This is a call to lead a more intentional life. In many ways, this looks like doing less. Challenge yourself to say “no,” delegate tasks and opportunities, and be mindful in how energy is expressing itself.


Intense and passionate in nature, Scorpio, these next few weeks are a challenge to look at personal fulfillment. You tend to get absorbed by the object of your focus, creating a deep connection to that which you prioritize. If you neglect to reassess how things are going, you may inadvertently become single-minded and neglect to change directions when the path you’re taking is going off course. Libra season is a call for brutal honesty, and these lessons will serve far after Libra season is over. Reflect on what needs to change and challenge yourself to be adaptable in action, practicing deep vulnerability. You’re more capable than you think you are.


Known for hard-work and patient perseverance, you have a tendency to go all-in on career and productivity-based achievements, Capricorn. Although this drive allows for a sense of continued career progression, you may neglect other domains of life. Ironically, zooming out leaves you in a better position to amplify productivity. Libra season is all about balance and harmony. Rather than fixating on minute details and outcomes, the energy obtained from a more balanced lifestyle allows for more intentionality in actions. Set those work-life boundaries, prioritize social and relational commitments, and plan breaks in your schedule to recharge with the foot off the gas pedal.