4 Zodiacs Starting A New Life Chapter In May
It starts with you noticing things, Leo. Big, small, insignificant, monumental. Changes that have taken place without you noticing, and now, all at once, your perception catches up to your reality. There is a distance between the life you thought you had, and the direction everyone is headed in. You finally feel the absence of the friend who moved. The other one who settled down and doesn’t drunkenly spend the night on your couch any more. You parents are getting older. The kids you babysat aren’t kids, or even preteens. You have to reorient yourself in a daily routine that won’t feel like yours until you make it exactly that. You’ll feel like you’re trying to “catch up” at first, but you have to realize life is moving at a new speed, and the only constant is change itself. The treadmill isn’t stopping for you, so you’re going to have to learn to run.
The life chapter you’re about to begin is the one where you look at your significant other and seriously, thoughtfully ask them, “Are we really doing this?”
This could be anything from moving in together, helping each other find new careers, explore passions, soul search, plan a future, but regardless of the project, it can’t be accomplished without getting your hands dirty, without seeing a side of them that’s not all fun and games, roses and candlelit dinners. Throwing practicality into the mix of your romantic connection changes things, makes the connection more serious, more purposeful, and requires you to open yourself up in a much deeper way than maybe you were previously prepared to. But you can’t just dip your toe in and see how you like it. You have to hold hands at the edge of the pool and jump in, regardless of the temperature, and trust that the other person will help you adjust.
There is something you need to purge in this new life chapter Pisces. Maybe it’s feelings you’ve been repressing, a relationship you’re finally ready to let go of, or a way of thinking about yourself that isn’t kind or true. To get past this stage, you need to go through it. You need to wade through the mud of your own pain or resentment or self-sabotage and fully explore it’s depths, it’s reach, and it’s source. You’ve been so afraid to go there, so afraid to see the full extent of the damage and understand how much work it will take to correct. It’s like avoiding the dentist knowing you have cavities, except the holes that exist are affecting your mental and emotional health. Finally letting go will allow you to release yourself from the stress of carrying that weight around all day everywhere you go.
You are about to discover a long hidden truth, Aries. This next life chapter is about you finally being able to access the information you’ve been consistently searching for, and your dedication and perseverance being rewarded. The feelings someone has tried to conceal, the truth of their situation change everything about your current reality. The ifs that all your previous decision making depended on have come to fruition, and now you can finally act on the hopes you were harboring. This will obviously take time, as you process the impact and the implications of these changes. You will also need to come to terms with the fact that this person wasn’t initially forthcoming, but luckily for you, you are able to see such potential for future happiness that you don’t let those small setbacks get in the way. Everything you’ve ever wanted is now at your fingertips.