4 Zodiacs Who Always Kiss And Tell

Some zodiacs want to keep their private lives private. They won’t utter a word about their partners or hookups because they want to keep their love lives to themselves. Other signs are a little more open about what they’ve been up to on weekends. Here are some zodiacs who usually end up kissing and telling:


This sign isn’t going to turn down the chance to brag. Whether they’re in a new relationship or have been with their partner for a lifetime, they’re going to take any opportunity they get to brag about how wonderfully happy they are and how well their partner treats them. They will post about their relationship on social media in order to make everyone who follows them jealous. They want to look like they have the perfect life, so they will shout their love from the rooftops. They aren’t going to hold back how happy in love they are because they want the world to know.


Geminis are social butterflies – and they are also huge gossips. They don’t have filters, so everything that pops into their heads is going to come straight out of their mouths. Geminis don’t see the point in keeping their private life private because they want to gush about how happy they are. They want to share all the juicy details to keep everyone around them entertained. Of course, they are nosy, so they will have trouble keeping a secret when they hear about other people in their lives hooking up. If you want your love life to stay private, then you probably shouldn’t let a Gemini know what you’ve been up to lately.


Aries are impulsive. They don’t always think through the consequences of their actions, so they will blurt out details about their hookups without thinking twice. They might regret it later, but in the moment, the idea of keeping secrets won’t occur to them. Plus, this sign thinks in extremes. When they fall for someone new, they fall hard. They assume this person is the person they’ll be spending the rest of their life alongside – so why wouldn’t they want to tell everyone they meet about their love story? Aries don’t get embarrassed easily, so they will rattle off details about their private life without batting an eye.


Libras are in love with the idea of love. They want to live out their happily ever after, so when they find someone who makes their heart sing, they will want to tell all their friends. They will send screenshots of their conversations and tell stories around a bottle of wine. Libras will get so swept away by their new romance that they won’t realize how much information they’re letting slip to the people around them. But they can’t help it. It’s hard for them to talk about anything else once they fall in love. It’s the only thing that’s on their mind, so they’re bound to share some secrets. They don’t find kissing and telling all that scandalous when they feel like they’re really falling in love.