4 Zodiacs Who Always Raid Their Boyfriend’s Closet
More salacious zodiacs may tell you to be wary of lending a Scorpio any of your personal belongings, lest they use them to create a voodoo doll, but the truth is that Scorpio just wants to lay in bed with their boyfriend’s hoodie when they’re apart so they can be comforted by the scent of his cologne. Everyone is so intrigued by Scorpio’s mysterious personal life, but the truth is it involves a lot of binging their favorite shows and listening to their favorite podcasts. They like to unwind at the end of the day with an engaging story, and they prefer to do it wearing clothes that are as oversized as possible. If there’s anything you do have to worry about with a Scorpio, it’s not getting those items back, whether you stay together or break up. Once they decide something is theirs, it belongs to them.
Libra knows how to rock an androgynous classic, and like the royal family, it’s hard to tell whether their ensemble came from their closet or their partners. Think William and Kate walking down the beach in their Barbour jackets and wellies. There is no concept of ‘his and hers’ only fucking great looking clothes. Cardigans, tweed blazers, button down oxfords, tennis sweaters, and loafers. Anything that screams prep school or ‘I was really into Saltburn’. Libras are born to raid your entire wardrobe because it’s so similar to their own. Just let them. They’ll know exactly how to shop for you, and the space created by turning your closet into a lending library will be filled up with gifts faster than you can say “dead relly…dead rellies….daddy’s old teddy”.
Virgo is going to pull a fast one on you. They’ll mask the attempt in a barrage of criticism on how you don’t know the proper way to sort or do your laundry, and then suddenly…things will go, missing. That chunky knit pair of socks your grandpa would have totally worn. That super ratty t-shirt you’ve held onto since high school. Your favorite pair of boxers. Virgo is the type that won’t tell you they’re getting attached, but the signs will be there if you know where to look. They’re not the blatantly possessive type, but they do like the point in the relationship where they feel comfortable enough to blur those boundaries between borrowing and taking. You don’t need to spend a boatload of money to make them feel special, just gift them something sentimental and they’ll be hooked.
Leo wants to be their partner’s biggest cheerleader. They channel their inner high school girlfriend and will rock their boyfriend’s merch, no matter if it’s for their park district softball league, their 9 to 5, or their college fraternity. Leo just wants to promote whatever is important to their boo. They are willing to do free marketing, PR, and/or customer service. Whatever is going to help their partner’s initiatives, goals, or dreams. They raid their boyfriend’s closet in an effort to hype them up and be a part of it all. They’re so proud to be with who they are, they can’t help but want the whole world to know when they walk out the door each morning.