Antoni Shkraba

4 Zodiacs Who Are About To Discover Their True Life Passion

The planets are always on the move, bringing about big changes and igniting the fire that burns within all of us. The current astrological energy carries huge shifts for four zodiac signs in particular. These signs are about to get a major life upgrade. Here are the four zodiacs who will soon discover their true life passion, and how astrology is going to support them on their journey. 


Jupiter entered Taurus on May 1, 2024, and it will stay there for about a year. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and expansion. This means that Taurus people can expect some huge shifts in the upcoming year, starting this summer. They will be exceptionally lucky and their personal growth will speed up exponentially.

Personal development can come with some growing pains, but Jupiter gives Taurus the boost of good luck they need to navigate these changes smoothly. As a fixed sign, Taurus tends to resist change. Knowing that these astrological transitions are coming can help them feel more prepared, and they can be empowered by the knowledge that lucky Jupiter is on their side. They will find their true life passion during this time – since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the zodiac sign of travel and adventure, Taurus people may discover their passion while on a trip, or they may find that their true calling lies in another location. A vacation, a journey abroad, or perhaps even moving homes is in the cards for Taurus in the coming months, and it is there that they will find their true life passion. 


The next sign that can expect major life changes in the upcoming months is Gemini. There is a new moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024. The energy of this new moon is amplified by the sun stationed in Gemini at the same time. New moons are always a time to recharge and set our intentions for the upcoming month. Geminis are encouraged to set aside some time on June 6th’s new moon to meditate on their goals and picture what they want to manifest for their future. 

As one of the most social and outgoing zodiac signs, Geminis will soon discover their true life passion by communicating and connecting with their communities. They may forge new relationships or deepen the bonds they already have, and these connections will bring about the life change they need. Whether they meet their life partner, make a crucial new business connection, or have a revealing conversation with a friend, communication will be the catalyst of an exciting new chapter for Geminis. 


Saturn goes retrograde from June 29 to November 15, 2024, meaning that the ringed planet will appear to move backward in the sky during that time. Retrogrades typically mean that the energy of that planet turns inward instead of outward. Saturn is the planet of structure and authority, and it is also the ruling planet of the zodiac sign Capricorn

This means that Capricorns will be particularly affected by Saturn retrograde. As an already introspective star sign with a rich inner world, Capricorns are prepared to ride the waves of this retrograde while many other signs struggle against the tide. Capricorns may find themselves withdrawing into themselves more, needing time for rest and reflection. But they will discover their true life passion as they hone in on their strengths: order, discipline, and making plans. They should lean into their zodiac sign’s unique strengths, as it is there they will find their life’s calling. 


Like Capricorn, Pisces will also soon experience a retrograde in their guiding planet. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of mystery, illusion and delusion, and dreams and fantasies. Neptune will be in retrograde from July 2 to December 7, 2024. It is also retrograde in Pisces, enhancing the astrological event’s impact on this sensitive water sign. 

When Neptune is retrograde, it’s like a veil has been lifted: all our fantasies and delusions are stripped away, leaving us with the cold, bare truth. This energy brings about great changes for all the signs, but Pisces will be affected the most in the upcoming months. Pisces people enjoy getting lost in daydreams, so taking them away can be very uncomfortable. But it’s a crucial time for Pisces’ personal growth. Without their usual fantasies clouding their vision, they will be able to see things clearly for the first time in a while. Clarity will help them make the necessary changes to find their true life passion. Pisces people must remember to be gentle with themselves during this period, but also to embrace the truths that are revealed. It may not be easy, but the outcome will be for the best, setting Pisces on an exciting new life trajectory.