4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Single Than With A Low Passion Partner

4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than With Low Passion Partners

Most zodiacs want passion in their relationships. They don’t want to settle for a person who feels mildly attracted to them. They want someone who is wild about them and would never dream of dating anyone else. Here are the zodiacs who would rather be single than with a low passion partner: 


You would rather be single than with a low passion partner because you are a highly passionate person and you need someone who matches your energy. Someone who is as excited to begin their journey with you as you are to begin your journey with them. If you aren’t on the same page, and one person is clearly more invested than the other, the relationship won’t work out. You need your partner to put one thousand percent of their effort into the relationship, just like you do. Otherwise, you will start to resent them for taking more than they are interested in giving. 


You would rather be single than with a low passion partner because you are looking for a massive, movie-worthy love. You aren’t going to settle for someone who could take you or leave you because you deserve better than that. After a long time of doubting yourself, you finally love yourself enough to demand proper treatment. You aren’t going to let anyone walk over you. You aren’t going to let them take advantage of your soft heart. They are either going to rise to your standards and put a ton of energy into the relationship – or they are going to become nothing but a memory. 


You would much rather be single than with a low passion partner because you aren’t willing to settle in any area of your life, especially relationships. You don’t need a partner that badly that you are willing to settle for someone who is lukewarm about you. You only want a relationship if it’s the real deal. If your partner is absolutely wild about you and is willing to make a real commitment to you. Otherwise, you are perfectly happy on your own. You don’t need a relationship in order to feel good about yourself because you are highly independent. You’re only going to enter a serious relationship when it feels worthwhile, when the other person is as thrilled about you as you are about them. 


You would rather be single than with a low passion partner because you need reassurance in order to feel comfortable in a relationship. You need constant reminders that your partner cares about you, that they haven’t changed their mind and lost their love for you. If your person is lacking passion, then you’re going to wonder how much they’re really invested in the relationship. Doubts are going to start to plague your mind. You’re much more comfortable with passionate, energetic partners because they give you the validation you crave. They make it clear they are in love with you and that their feelings have not changed. They never leave you wondering what they’re thinking.