Anna Shvets

4 Zodiacs Who Are Learning To Set Better Boundaries

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the mutable signs of the Zodiac. Associated with transformation, these powerful signs are known for their gifts of flexibility and adaptability. Although these qualities serve them well in many domains of life, an ability to constantly shift may lead to a sense of disconnection from self. With the introspective energy of winter season fully at play, mutable signs are tapping into internal awareness to understand the importance of boundaries. This is how they’re doing so:

1. They’re learning to recognize how they feel in another’s presence.

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces often appear easygoing and extroverted in social situations. Their ability to adapt to the needs and physical space around them makes others feel naturally drawn to the energy they radiate. Although being admired is a gift, mutable signs are learning to respect how they feel in another’s presence. Although we can get along with others in a social situation, it doesn’t mean we need to develop a deeper relationship with them. Being honest with what relationships we genuinely desire, first to ourselves and then with others, gives the gift of receptive and authentic connection. It’s possible to be kind, generous, and open-hearted in all walks of life without feeding fake or false assumptions. These boundaries, while often difficult, are compassionate.

2. They’re prioritizing their physical space.

The physical environment we live in greatly impacts our energy, mindset, and emotional state. As Gemini, Virgo, Saggittarius, and Pisces develop in their maturity, they’re learning the influence physical space has on their overall state of being. As mutable signs, these Zodiac members are especially prone to absorbing what’s present around them. Learning the value home life has on how they recharge and feel safe in their surroundings, these signs are discovering what they need to create sanctuary. If they live with others, Gemini, Virgo, Saggittarius, and Pisces are learning to speak their needs and desires. An energetically supportive space allows mutable signs to feel grounded in all aspects of life both in and outside the home. It’s time to prioritize what fills them up, and let go of what feels chaotic, disruptive, or disturbing.

3. They’re learning to let go of an image.

Mutable signs’ easy going demeanor makes them some of the most social creatures around. Although a flexible spirit is one of their greatest strengths, this quality becomes an achille’s heel when flexibility becomes a goal, an image to maintain, rather than form of natural expression. Mutable signs are subject to absorb the voice and narratives of conditioning, potentially leading them astray from their authentic self. As mutable signs let go of the need to maintain an image, they reunite with deeper qualities of being. It is from this place, this well of authenticity, they show up, serve themselves, and allow gifts to manifest naturally. This authentic state is a natural form of expression that comes as limiting beliefs are let go of, allowing space for one’s soul truth to shine.