4 Zodiacs Who Are Most Impacted By Their Childhoods
Leos typically have a pretty idyllic childhood. They are nurtured and cared for, well-adjusted, and get along well with others. They are the type to have a story-book best friend, and get into the kind of trouble that people only get away with in movies. They are typically the golden child of their town or neighborhood, and while these experiences load them up with confidence they can draw on in adulthood, it also leaves them ill-prepared in ways to take on the world outside of the bubble they’ve known. They feel uncomfortable in settings where their reputation doesn’t precede them. They don’t know what it feels like to be left out or rejected, and therefore, lack the coping mechanisms to handle this for the first time as an adult. Like getting the chicken pox, its worse the older you are, but for Leo it’s better late than never.
Virgo is the straight A student that was so smart in school, even the teachers were annoyed by how right they were. Virgo crushed the spelling bee, every standardized test, and could crank out an essay in their sleep. Their competitive nature was their driving force, but people often underestimate their natural curiosity. They often are always ready with the right answer because they are driven enough to research their own questions.They never depended on adults to do all of the work for them. As an adult, Virgo easily transitions into a high-achieving individual contributor, but where they struggle is finding the same satisfaction when there is no longer a class rank to top. Settling into any one field where learning isn’t a constant creates a sense of boredom they struggle to escape from. It’s only when they learn to derive validation from their own enjoyment that they can start a new chapter.
In many ways, Gemini’s childhood was colored by a lack of control. They likely had to move at least once, or share a room with a sibling, or lost a beloved family pet. That chaos and the overwhelming emotions that came with it stuck with them well into adulthood. Their need to constantly be organizing their busy schedules or distracting themselves with work or activities is their way of brining order to their lives in a way that feels comfortable and controllable. There are no surprises when everything has been arranged months in advance, and there is no time to mourn or dwell on any negative emotions when Gemini keeps themselves constantly exhausted and overwhelmed. Operating at such a high speed and effort is their way of numbing anything to difficult to face in at a normal pace. They are always in a rush to the next thing.
Pisces is the sign that never really grows out of their childhood, the one who holds onto all of the magic of life even when everyone else has outgrown it. They’ll still hop on their bike without a clear destination in mind, stay up late under the covers reading a book even though no one will scold them for it, and always has a good day dream ready to go once classes turn into meetings. They don’t think life should change just because they’re getting older. They still bring as much energy and enthusiasm to Christmas morning even when they start giving as many presents as they receive. Vacation is still something to wake up starry eyed over, and birthdays always mean cake. Pisces never loses sight of the little things that bring exponential joy into our lives. They never give up on the things that make them smile.