4 Zodiacs Who Are Never Getting Back Together With Their Ex
Leo would never consider degrading themselves by getting back together with their ex. This is a person who humiliated Leo by wronging them. There’s nothing that a Lion cherishes more than pride. It’s more important to them than love. Leo values their own strong sense of character and doesn’t forgive being proved wrong about somebody they trusted. It’s a miracle if their ex got away unscathed. Leo typically takes revenge after being disrespected, especially by a partner. This zodiac burns every bridge on their way out of the life of someone who jilted them. Even if Leo still holds a small tender place in their heart for their ex, they’d never allow themselves to move backward and go back to someone who gave them less than what they know they deserve. Sometimes they ensure there is no relationship left to go back to salvage. Regal Leo isn’t as strong as they come off—they’re truly sensitive creatures underneath it all and can be slightly insecure. Having their ego bruised by love is the worst possible thing that could happen to them. You can’t come back from that with Leo.
It’s highly likely that Virgo put up with a lot of mistreatment and disrespect before the relationship came to an end. They forgave their exes for countless little slights, and maybe even for a few huge knives in the back. This sign is practical, but extremely generous and nurturing in romantic relationships. Virgo tends to be the partner that makes all the compromising (or sacrificing) and emotional heavy lifting. They bent themselves in ways they’re ashamed of in order to keep a relationship that wasn’t ultimately sustainable alive. Once Virgo is done, there is no going back—not ever. They gave away too much and rationalized so much of their ex’s toxic behavior away. Virgo has no energy left for an ex. They could never get past the damage the relationship caused them. A breakup is always a new beginning for Virgo. Kind of life spring cleaning or taking on a home improvement project. They thrive after a split. To go back? To an ex? Never!
It was a Sagittarius who wrote the lyrics “we are never, ever, ever, ever getting back together.” But a Taylor bop isn’t needed to know that a Sag never takes an ex back—that’s just a fact. This is a sign who doesn’t sway from their convictions. Once a Sag has made a decision, they stand firmly on it. There’s very little a Sag’s ex can do to ever win them back. Sag would refuse to repair a relationship they still wanted out of pure principle. Sagittarius lives life by the philosophy of never looking back. No matter what, they go with the flow and keep it moving forward. Sagittarius has realized how much their ex was holding them back—they’re feeling themselves again. This sign deeply values sovereignty—there’s no way they’d give up their freedom to get back with a mistake. That’s all their long list of lovers is to them—a compilation of the little errors and lessons they had along the way. Confident Sag doesn’t pine for anyone.
Scorpio may cyber stalk their ex for the rest of their lives, but they’d sooner walk across a busy ten-lane highway than ever be in the same room as them again. This sign never forgives or forgets. Scorp hasn’t even forgiven themselves for failing to see the glaring red caution tape and allowing their ex to get close. Even if they’re still utterly in love with that person, Scorpio would never be able to get past the circumstances that broke them up in the first place. Trust is everything to this sign—they don’t give it away easily and they never hand it back. When Scorpio entered the relationship, they did so because they thought they’d never have to even imagine themselves living without this person. If a Scorpio has chosen to walk away from that kind of forever, it’s because that trust was irrevocably broken in some way. Whether it was infidelity, inconsistency, dishonesty, or failure to show up—it broke their heart enough to leave them cold as ice. They’d never take someone who hurt them back, even if their hearts tell them to.