4 Zodiacs Who Can Go From Clingy To Distant Real Fast
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4 Zodiacs Who Can Go From Clingy To Distant Real Fast

Some zodiacs have a hard time letting go of the people that they love. Even after they’ve gotten hurt, they might not be able to walk away because their head and their heart want different things. But other zodiacs don’t deal with that type of hesitation. If someone they love and trust hurts them, they’ll go from clingy to distant real quick. Here are some zodiacs who will want nothing to do with you as soon as you hurt them, even if they once considered you their closest friend:


Scorpios are one of the most vindictive signs in the zodiac. They don’t believe in forgiving and forgetting because that sounds a lot like letting you get away with being a jerk. When you have this sign’s trust, they are going to treat you wonderfully. They will let you into their heart and prioritize you whenever possible. But the second you break their trust, everything will change. They won’t be the kind, friendly face that you used to see every day. In fact, you won’t see them at all. Scorpios aren’t afraid to cut ties completely. If you show them that you’re comfortable hurting them, then they won’t want anything to do with you. You only get one chance with them. One.


Aries are fiery. Their tempers burn hot. If you upset them, then they aren’t going to hold back their opinions in order to keep the peace or protect your feelings. They value themselves too much to sacrifice their happiness for yours. This sign is going to tell you exactly how they feel, even if it means ruining your relationship. And although they are able to forgive and forget pretty quickly when you’ve made minor mistakes, they won’t overlook major mistakes. They are independent enough and fearless enough to live life on their own. So if you hurt them badly, it doesn’t matter how much time they used to dedicate to you in the past. In the future, they won’t come anywhere near you.


Capricorns take a while to warm up to new people because they don’t want to trust the wrong people. But once they get to know you, they will be the most loyal person you ever meet. They would do absolutely anything to protect the people they love. Unless you show them that they were wrong and you can’t be trusted after all. This sign isn’t going to ignore what their head is telling them to listen to their heart, so if you prove that you are trouble, they are going to say goodbye. It won’t matter how much they loved you and cared about you yesterday. Tomorrow, they will act like you don’t exist. They won’t put themselves in danger. They are too smart for that. They respect themselves too much.


Aquarius can come across as distant until you get to know them. Then they are the kindest people you will ever meet. However, they’re always one mistake away from going right back to being distant. If you betray them, then they aren’t going to give you a chance to explain yourself. They aren’t going to give you the benefit of the doubt. They are going to protect themselves by removing the problem. They are going to go from being your closest confidant to a complete stranger real quick — and they are never going to look back.